The town councils present 473 applications to accede to the Plan of Works and Services promoted by the Consell de Mallorca

Jun 13, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

This call for applications, for the years 2024 and 2025, reflects the commitment of the government team to “promote municipalism and boost the local economy”.

The island’s town councils have presented 473 applications for the Works and Services Plan (POS) promoted by the Consell de Mallorca, which has a total contribution of 39.7 million euros for 2024 and 2025.

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473 applications to accede to the Plan of Works and Services promoted by the Consell de Mallorca

These investments are aimed at municipal actions such as street paving, sewage networks, accessibility, green areas, construction of parks, sports and educational infrastructures, among others.

The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, highlighted the efforts made by the island institution to “fulfil the commitment of the government team to support municipalism, doubling the investments of 9.5 million granted in 2023, and allowing the municipalities themselves to decide the projects they want to carry out according to their needs, which will result in improving the quality of life of citizens”.

For her part, the councillor for Economic Promotion and Local Development, Pilar Amate, pointed out that “this plan, endowed with almost 40 million euros by the Consell de Mallorca, is a boost to the local economy. The novelty of this call is to shorten the time and speed up the payment of subsidies, by reducing the processing time from 2 months to 30 working days”.

Types of actions

Thus, among the 473 actions presented by the local councils, there are 59 that refer to street paving and enclosures, 37 projects related to ornamental and rehabilitation, 26 sports facilities, those related to accessibility, 15 street lighting or 9 green areas and parks.

In addition, a total of 231 projects and works management, 30 purchase actions (plots of land, buildings or vehicles), 9 projects for the improvement of drinking water networks and 4 civil protection plans, among others, have been presented.

Councillor Pilar Amate concluded by stressing that “all the applications submitted to the Works and Services Plan have already been reviewed and it is expected that in July the local councils will have the budget available to carry out the different proposals submitted”.

In accordance with the commitment to the local councils, the government team will allocate nearly 80 million euros in investment to the municipalities in this term of office, thus fulfilling its objective of strengthening local corporations and promoting municipalism.

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