PhotoESPAÑA exhibits ‘Ta-Ra. Gales 2013-2022’, the winning project of the Contemporary Photography Award of the Consell de Mallorca

Jun 14, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Guillem Ginard: “It is a great recognition of the work carried out by the insular institution in the promotion and dissemination of the visual arts”.

PhotoESPAÑA 2024, the most important photography festival in Spain, exhibits Ta-Ra. Gales 2013-2022, the winning project of the Mallorca Contemporary Photography Award 2022 of the Consell de Mallorca. From June 13 to September 1 the exhibition can be enjoyed in Madrid. The insular director of Culture of the Consell de Mallorca, Guillem Ginard, and the director of the Arxiu del So i de la Imatge, Francesc Bonnín, have attended this Thursday, the inauguration, which took place in the old Hospital de Santa Maria la Rica, Alcalá de Henares.

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The insular director of Culture has highlighted “that PhotoESPAÑA has chosen the Mallorca Prize for Contemporary Photography to participate in its program is a great recognition to the work carried out by the Consell de Mallorca in the promotion and dissemination of the visual arts”. In addition, Guillem Ginard assures that “these distinctions of the insular institution are very consolidated and have projection all over the world”.

The exhibition will be curated by the director of the ASIM, Francesc Bonnín, and will be open in Madrid until September 1, but it will be itinerant after that. It is planned that the exhibition will travel to the photography festival ‘FFoco’, held in Galicia, to move next year to Wales, the country that inspired the author of the work.

In addition, it should be noted the importance for the artists of participating in PhotoESPAÑA as a great boost to their artistic careers.

Mallorca Contemporary Photography Award 2023

The winning photographic work Ta-Ra. Gales 2013-2022, by the Argentine artist Sebastián Bruno, is made up of 39 monochromatic photographs. The work as a whole is a reflection of almost a decade of the author’s life in the United Kingdom, specifically in Wales.

The experience that describes his work is a mixture of strangeness and familiarity, marked by socio-political, historical and current events, such as twelve years of austerity policies, deindustrialization, Brexit and the economic crisis.

It is a journey through characters, terrains and textures that make up the everyday fabric of Wales, which reveals an alternative and open interpretation of a country in the process of change. A documentary work steeped in both fiction and evidence, it acknowledges the complex and fractured nature of identity in Wales and the world today.