A total of 658 pupils will benefit this year from the language immersion grants of the Regional Ministry of Education and Universities

Jun 15, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

A total of 658 pupils in the 6th year of primary education and 4th year of ESO will benefit this summer from the language immersion grants in English, German and French offered by the Regional Ministry of Education and Universities.

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A total of 658 pupils will benefit this year from the language immersion grants

For the 6th year of primary school, 424 students will have the opportunity to carry out their language immersion in the Balearic Islands, in a summer course in English. As for 4th year ESO students, a total of 190 grants will be offered for language stays in English abroad, which represents an increase of almost 28% over the previous year. The number of grants available for immersion programmes in Germany has increased by 17%, benefiting 34 students. Grants for programmes in France are maintained at 10.

This year, the budget allocated to these immersion grants has increased by 14.2%, reaching a total of 560,000 euros, which demonstrates a firm commitment to the promotion of foreign languages among students in the Balearic Islands through programmes such as the language immersion grants.

The number of applications received this year was 1,489, of which 1,055 were from 4th year ESO and 658 from 6th year primary school.