Spain and Turkey sign two agreements to strengthen their scientific, technological and aerospace collaboration

Jun 15, 2024 | Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities, Diana Morant, and the Turkish Minister of Industry and Technology, Mehmet Fatuh Kacir, have signed two memorandums of understanding to strengthen scientific, technological and aerospace collaboration between the two countries.

Diana Morant and the Turkish Minister of Industry and Technology, Mehmet Fatuh Kacir, sign the collaboration agreements.The Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities, Diana Morant, and the Turkish Minister of Industry and Technology, Mehmet Fatuh Kacir, during the signing of the agreements.

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Spain and Turkey sign two agreements

The Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities, Diana Morant, and the Turkish Minister of Industry and Technology, Mehmet Fatuh Kacir, have signed two agreements to promote collaboration in areas such as green transition, artificial intelligence, aeronautics, technological entrepreneurship and aerospace activities, within the framework of the 8th High Level Meeting between Spain and Turkey.

The first agreement aims to promote and support scientific-technological collaboration between entities linked to the two Ministries in key areas such as green transition, artificial intelligence, aeronautics and technological entrepreneurship.

In addition, Spain and Turkey have signed for the first time a memorandum of understanding to boost cooperation in aerospace activities for peaceful purposes.

Morant stressed that these agreements “are two important steps in the best direction: towards comprehensive cooperation between Turkey and Spain, two countries with a long tradition of understanding and a determined will for the future”.

In this sense, he highlighted the “cooperation between the two countries to face the challenges of our time: sustainable development and water scarcity, for example, or food security”.

She also highlighted “the research into high-performance computing and artificial intelligence carried out in some of the most ambitious infrastructures in our countries, such as the Marenostrum 5 Supercomputer in Barcelona, in whose consortium Turkey participates”.

Furthermore, the minister recalled that “during the Spanish Presidency of the European Union we approved the extension of the PRIMA programme, a priority of this Ministry, which is the Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean, where our countries collaborate actively”.

“And that is also why TÜBITAK and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) are working to strengthen the exchange of our researchers and university staff between our countries,” he said during his speech.