Companies with less than 3 employees will be able to apply for their €3,000 digital voucher as of 14 June

Jun 16, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition published a resolution partially amending the call for applications for aid for the digitalisation of small companies with between 0 and less than 3 employees (segment III), which includes new features concerning the call for applications for the same segment published on 12 October 2022.

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Companies with less than 3 employees will be able to apply for their €3,000 digital voucher

Applicants for the digital bonusApplicants for the digital bonus.

These modifications do not apply to communities of property, professional civil societies, civil societies with commercial activity and jointly owned farms belonging to segment III.

The partial resolution of the third call for applications can be consulted at the following link.

3,000 euro vouchers for micro-enterprises and self-employed workers
This modification of the call for applications includes that the amount of the vouchers for this segment of companies will be 3,000 euros.

The form to apply for this new amount will be open from 14 June at 11 a.m., through the website. The deadline for submitting applications will remain open until 31 October 2025 at 11 am.

The amendment details the maximum amounts of aid for each category of digitisation solutions, the deadlines for consuming the voucher, the model declaration of conformity, among other details of the aid. In addition, this partial resolution of the call for proposals increases the budget by 500 million euros, which, together with the initial budget, makes a total of 1,000 million euros aimed at improving the competitiveness and the level of digital maturity of companies in this segment.

To apply for the aid, companies must first register in the private area of and complete the digital self-diagnosis test, then consult the information available on the digitisation solutions in the catalogue and finally, apply for the aid at the electronic headquarters.

For those companies in Segment III that have been beneficiaries of aid from the Digital Kit Programme for Segment III for an amount of 2,000 euros, and that have not been terminated due to resignation or any other cause that would give rise to this, they may apply for the additional 1,000 euros using a declaration of conformity through their file at the Electronic Headquarters.

Whether the entity is a new applicant or an existing beneficiary and wishes to apply for the additional 1,000 euros, the voucher’s consumption period will be six months from the date of award.

The grants are non-competitive and will be awarded directly and on a first-come, first-served basis, after verification of compliance with the requirements set out in the call for applications.

New solution category: Secure Workplace
Micro-companies and self-employed workers may acquire one or several digitalisation solutions from the catalogue: website and internet presence, social network management, e-commerce; customer management; virtual office services and tools, business intelligence and analytics, process management, electronic invoicing, secure communications and cybersecurity, advanced internet presence, Marketplace and the new “Secure Workplace” solution.

The “Secure Workplace” solution includes a hardware device that must have a licence that complies with the requirements established for category X, Cybersecurity, as well as encryption/encryption at rest, which ensures the privacy of the data and documents stored on the device, integrated into the product and in the price.

This category is intended to support task automation, efficient data management and seamless communication. The objective is to improve the productivity and competitiveness of this segment in a secure environment.

The maximum amount eligible for subsidy for this solution is 1,000 euros, eligible for laptops or desktops along with new monitors, which must meet the requirements set out in the Order of Bases.

To continue to help micro-companies and the self-employed to continue their digital transformation process, new beneficiary companies wishing to formalise Digitalisation Solution Provision Agreements in the “Secure Workplace” category must have previously formalised and validated one or more Agreements for any other Solution in the catalogue.

In the case of the Secure Workstation solution, once implemented, and once the 12 months of service provision has been completed, the digitising agent must inform the beneficiary entity of the residual value of the equipment. This value will be a maximum of 15% of the amount of the value of the signed Agreement. Should the beneficiary company wish to keep the equipment after the 12 months of service, it must pay this amount.

More than 10,800 digitising agents
There are currently more than 10,800 registered digitising agents in the catalogue. The membership period will remain open for the duration of the Programme, so the catalogue will be expanded as applications are resolved.

Since the modification of the rules was published, the digitalisation agents that have joined have been able to update their offer of solutions in the Catalogue and those that were not can join for the first time, as membership as digitalisation agents will be open for the entire duration of the Programme.

The digitalising agents are the only ones authorised to sign “agreements for the provision of digitalisation solutions” with the companies benefiting from the aid of the Digital Kit programme and holders of the digital voucher and may collaborate in the aid application process as voluntary representatives, as well as in the control actions derived from the same.

Furthermore, they will be the ones to present all the supporting documentation and receive the payment of the digital voucher assigned by the beneficiary, once their justification has been accepted.

More than 388,000 grants awarded
To date, the Kit Digital programme has awarded more than 388,000 grants under the Programme in all open calls and throughout the country. This means that more than 1,600 million euros from the Recovery Plan have reached the country’s small businesses, microenterprises and the self-employed to implement basic digitalisation solutions.