More than 300 students gathered at La Misericòrdia to collect the ‘Dibuixa el teu molí’ (Draw your mill) awards

Jun 18, 2024 | Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The island institution has organised a competition to raise awareness of the island’s milling heritage among young people and has exhibited the participating works in the garden of the cultural centre.

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‘Dibuixa el teu molí’

The Consell de Mallorca is organising the first drawing competition of the island’s mills to raise awareness of the island’s milling heritage among schoolchildren. This first edition of ‘Dibuixa el teu molí’ has been a great success: a total of 252 Mallorcan pupils from different schools in Palma, Inca, Lloseta and Búger have taken part.

This Tuesday, the vice-president of the Consell de Mallorca and councillor of Culture and Heritage, Antònia Roca, presented the prizes in the gardens of the Misericòrdia Cultural Centre, where the students’ participating works were exhibited.

Roca emphasised that the competition consists of the presentation of an original, unpublished work featuring at least one of the windmills on Mallorca. The vice-president and councillor explained that the Consell de Mallorca “wants to promote all activities that bring the island’s cultural heritage closer to young people and encourage their participation”.

Each pupil could submit a single work in any artistic drawing technique, be it tempera, coloured pencils or collage, in order to let their creativity flow. In fact, in order to further encourage the pupils’ creativity, the six winners were awarded different large batches of paintings. Primary, first and second year ESO students from all public, private and state-subsidised schools in Mallorca were able to take part. In addition to the prize-giving ceremony, the students who came to La Misericordia were able to enjoy a guided tour of the cultural centre.