The Government proposes to the central government to provide local police with specific training in the area of youth gangs

Jun 19, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The director general of Emergencies and Interior proposes to the government delegate actions to improve coordination and transfer of information between police forces

The Director General of Emergencies and Interior of the Balearic Islands Government, Sebastià Sureda, today held a meeting with the central government delegate, Alfonso Rodríguez Badal, with the aim of establishing possible synergies of collaboration between the National Police Force, the Guardia Civil and the local police forces of Palma, Inca and Manacor in the face of the increase in youth gangs. In addition, he proposed the drafting of a specific framework agreement between the Government Delegation and the town councils for the participation of the local police in the exercise of judicial police functions in the area of minors related to minor and less serious crimes. The meeting was also attended by the director of the Public Safety Institute of the Balearic Islands (ISPIB), Vicenç Martorell, and the coordinator of the Balearic Islands Police Tutor service, Rafel Covas, on behalf of the Government Delegation, the secretary general, Ramón Morey, and representatives of the CNP.

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The Government proposes to the central government to provide local police with specific training in the area of youth gangs

In response to the problem of youth gangs in Palma and also in municipalities such as Inca and Manacor, and based on the fact that the Local Police has competencies in the prevention of social risk behaviour that threatens minors, Sureda has proposed to Rodríguez Badal that experts from the CNP and Guardia Civil can provide specific training on this subject to the agents who carry out the Guardianship Police service in Palma, Manacor, Inca, Calvià, Marratxí and Llucmajor.

It has also proposed streamlining the channels of communication between the police forces of these municipalities, the CNP and the Guardia Civil when it comes to transferring information on this problem. All of this would provide key information for the prevention and detection of gang members in talks given by police tutors in schools. It should be borne in mind that in Palma, since this school year, the Tutor Police service has been working in coordination with the CNP and the Guardia Civil, transferring information on these gangs.

Judicial Police functions

The Director General of Emergencies and Interior has also proposed a specific agreement for the creation of Municipal Teams Specialised in Minors, as stipulated in the framework agreement between the Ministry of Interior and the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) of 20 February 2007 and also the instruction 1/2017 of the Secretary of State for Security, which provides for the specialisation in the field of minors of those local police belonging to municipalities that have signed a specific agreement with the ministry so that part of the body can perform the functions of Judicial Police.

It should be borne in mind that for more than 20 years in the Balearic Islands there have been local police forces that have been carrying out tasks related to minors on a daily basis as part of the guardian police services, always within the framework of their powers.

More and more families and schools are relying on the figure of the guardian agent to resolve conflicts involving minors. These agents also tend to monitor the different cases in which they work and maintain close contact with parents, teachers, and even the minors if necessary. The aim of the proposal is to solve the problem that arises when carrying out police investigations, such as examinations of minors, of witnesses to possible criminal acts, or even the collection of a simple complaint or appearance due to the simple trust that parents place in the guardians.