The Government and the Autonomous Communities make progress on a common framework for the digitisation of Justice

Jun 24, 2024 | Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with Parliament, Félix Bolaños, chairs the Sectoral Conference on the Administration of Justice in Zaragoza, the body for cooperation between the State and the Autonomous Communities with transferred powers in this area.

In this forum, the State and the Autonomous Regions have made progress in the coordination for the digitisation of Justice, unifying criteria on the application of Royal Decree-Law 6/2023, specifically in terms of the document exchange system, the sending of electronic judicial files or cross-border communications by electronic means. Models of certification and responsible declaration of technical compliance of secure access points and secure locations have also been agreed.

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The Government and the Autonomous Communities make progress on a common framework for the digitisation of Justice

This consensus on a standard that is a key element for the digitisation of the Administration of Justice has been promoted by the Ministry of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Courts, led by Minister Félix Bolaños.

This common framework reinforces co-governance in one of the country’s greatest assets, given that Spain leads the main international rankings in terms of the digitisation of the Administration of Justice. Likewise, legal certainty, efficiency and speed of the digital transformation are reinforced.

In addition, the Sectorial Conference dealt with other matters of interest in the field of Justice, such as the application of Next Generation funds or the recent agreement with the trade unions representing civil servants in the public justice service, and progress was made towards a common framework for the use of Artificial Intelligence in the Administration of Justice.

Dialogue, modernisation and co-governance
The Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Courts, Félix Bolaños, during his speech. | Pool Moncloa / Raúl Salgado

The Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Courts, Félix Bolaños, has highlighted modernisation and dialogue as the main themes that summarise the work carried out at this meeting of the Justice Sector Conference, which continues to make progress, hand in hand with the Autonomous Regions, in the process of transforming Justice undertaken by the Ministry. As he explained, this is the biggest modernisation drive in decades, which is already placing Spanish Justice at the forefront of digitisation, with a structure adapted to today’s Spain and with a social and people-centred vocation.

Bolaños also stressed that the agreements reached are an example of the relevance of this forum for co-governance and to promote the application of public policies in a faster, simpler and more realistic way.