ONAC: What is the National Scientific Advisory Office?

Jun 24, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Spain launches a scientific advisory network to consolidate the role of science in governmental decision-making and to place itself at the international forefront of this practice.

What is the ONAC?
The ONAC will be responsible for establishing institutional mechanisms to generate a national ecosystem of scientific advice that connects academia and applied research with the Administration and strengthens the role of scientific knowledge in decision-making.

This ecosystem will include a network of scientific advisors in all ministries and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), a group of advisors who will carry out specific stays in the ministries and working groups that participate in the new programme of grants for applied research for the Administration.

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With this initiative, Spain joins countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Japan and New Zealand, which already have scientific advisory units and mechanisms.

The ONAC was created on 8 February 2024 with the rank of sub-directorate general and is integrated into the structure of the Presidency of the Government, reporting directly to the General Secretariat for Public Policy, European Affairs and Strategic Foresight.

What is the objective of ONAC?
The main objective of the ONAC is to establish institutional mechanisms for scientific advice, to identify and promote cases of good practice within and outside the public sector and to help build bridges between the government and the scientific talent that exists in research centres and universities.

Specifically, ONAC’s mission is to facilitate access by the General State Administration to scientific-technical knowledge for the design of public policies, as well as to promote the inclusion of scientific-technical knowledge as another pillar in public decision-making.

It will also help to identify needs that may arise for the resolution of complex problems, especially in cases of crisis and emergencies in which it is necessary to apply scientific knowledge, as well as to establish protocols to facilitate this advice.

What tools are available?
ONAC is promoting different mechanisms to promote decision-making by public decision-makers taking into account scientific knowledge. The body will have the following figures to fulfil its mission:

Scientific advisor. Each ministerial department will have a scientific advisor in the minister’s office.
Research stays. The scientific community will be offered six- to eight-month stays so that scientists can spend a period in the ministries and contribute from within the Administration to addressing specific challenges in their field of specialisation. The first call for applications is scheduled for the first quarter of 2025.
Grants for applied research. A new two million euro grant programme will be created to fund experimental projects, analysis of public data and other forms of applied research.
Government science advisory support unit. A support unit has been created, based at the CSIC, which will be responsible for connecting the needs of the Executive with the talent and knowledge generated in universities and research centres.
What is the figure of the scientific advisor?
The science advisor is a new figure that will be incorporated into the cabinets of each ministry. Their mission will be twofold. On the one hand, he or she will act as a liaison between the ministry and the scientific and technological community to receive advice on matters within his or her competence. On the other hand, their job will also be to identify and reinforce existing scientific advisory mechanisms.

Who can be a scientific advisor?
ONAC is opening up opportunities for different types of profiles, as it seeks to work with multidisciplinary and diverse teams. Any researcher interested in forming part of the scientific advisory ecosystem can send his/her CV through the ONAC website.

I am a scientist and I want to collaborate with the Administration on a one-off basis
ONAC plans to incorporate different forms of scientific advice to the Government. Individuals working in the area of research who wish to collaborate with ONAC to provide scientific advice to the Government in some way can do so by filling in the forms available on the ONAC website.