The Mallorca Tourism Foundation consolidates its Advisory Board as a reference body for decision-making

Jun 25, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Conseller of Tourism of the Consell de Mallorca and president of the Fundació Mallorca Turisme (FMT), José Marcial Rodríguez Díaz, accompanied by the island’s Director of Tourism for Demand and Hospitality, Susanna Sciacovelli and vice-president of the FMT, announced this Wednesday the decision to give the Advisory Board of the FMT a boost so that its advisory nature will have a greater presence in decision-making.

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Mallorca Tourism Foundation

To this end, she stated after a meeting of the Advisory Council that “its consultative function will have real weight and will be a point of reference when it comes to presenting the proposals which will subsequently be submitted to the vote of the Board of Trustees”.
Rodríguez stated that “the Advisory Council is an extremely important body, as it acts as the voice of Mallorca’s tourism, social, economic and academic entities. Its vast experience, in-depth knowledge of the island’s reality, professionalism and long history make it an invaluable resource. It is therefore essential that its contributions are taken into account in the decision-making process in order to consolidate responsible tourism.
Consultancy and dynamisation functions.

The company Schôolers, through Juan Manuel Martínez, has been in charge of promoting this new initiative. Martínez has indicated that the proposal is based on the promotion of a new Advisory Council of the FMT that has the maximum aim of promoting responsible tourism and is capable of ensuring the development of coexistence between tourism and citizenship. This action stems from the Pledge, Commitment to Responsible Tourism, the roadmap for tourism management in Mallorca, which aims to develop the island’s main industry under strict criteria of sustainability, transparency, participation, innovation, equity and responsibility.
This professionalisation of the Advisory Council means that its consultative nature, born out of consensus and debate at its meetings, will be a reference point when it comes to decision-making by the Board when developing policies and strategies for the transformation of the tourism model; the identification of risks and opportunities that facilitate medium and long-term planning; and the monitoring of the impact of the projects implemented by the FMT.

In this way, the aim is to ensure that decision-making is always based on professional criteria that take as a reference the real tourism situation and the needs of the different environments of the economic and social ecosystem to evolve responsibly and sustainably, ensuring coexistence.
In order to ensure that this representation is as broad as possible, the councillor said that he will propose the inclusion of several new entities that have been invited today, such as the Impulsa Foundation, through Antoni Riera; ASPAYM, with Alessandro Marinelli; the Cercle d’Economia, through Pepe Novas; and the Forum Societat Civil, represented by Jaume Garau.
The current Advisory Council is made up of a broad representation of the socio-economic context of the island, such as the Hotel Business Federation (FEHM), the Hotel Chains Association, Fomento del Turismo, the Chamber of Commerce of Mallorca, the University of the Balearic Islands, the Balearic Travel Agencies Business Association, and the Assembly of Mayors of Mallorca, Trade Unions representing the tourism sector, Federation of Local Entities of the Balearic Islands, Palma 365 Foundation, Spanish Airports and Air Navigation (AENA), Confederation of Business Associations of the Balearic Islands (CAEB), Federation of Small and Medium Enterprises of Mallorca (PYMEM) and people of recognised prestige in the tourism sector.

Mallorca, the epicentre of responsible tourism
At the same meeting, the Director of Tourism for Demand and Sustainability, Susanna Sciacovelli, announced that next October Mallorca will be positioned in the international context as the epicentre of responsible tourism. The reason for this is the holding of four major meetings at the highest level.
Thus, on 17 and 18 October, the 3rd Sustainable Destinations Summit will be held, organised by the FMT in collaboration with the UNWTO. On the 21st and 22nd, it will be the turn of the Green Film Forum, led by the Mallorca Film Commission, a body that reports to the FMT. Prior to this, on 16 October, the island will be the meeting point for the annual meeting of the UNWTO Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO network), and on the 16th and 17th the famous Sages & Scientists meeting of the Deepak Chopra Foundation will be held for the first time in Europe.