The excellence of Spanish foodstuffs in the United States

Jun 25, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, at the Summer Fancy Food fair in New York (United States) The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, at the Summer Fancy Food fair in New York (United States).

From 23 to 25 June, New York is hosting the 68th edition of Summer Fancy Food, the most important gourmet food and beverage fair in North America. Spain is this year’s country of honour in recognition of the importance of its agri-food sector in the world and the quality of its products. With an institutional pavilion, the second largest at the fair, Spain brings together around 80 companies in this space.

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The excellence of Spanish foodstuffs in the United States

In a meeting with Spanish companies present at the fair, the minister reiterated the Government’s support for the agri-food sector, which he encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity offered by this fair to show the world the excellence of Spanish foodstuffs and to consolidate its presence in international markets.

He also highlighted the strength and resilience of the agri-food sector, a key sector for the country’s economy, which has made Spain the fourth largest food producer in Europe and tenth in the world in terms of production. Furthermore, Spanish agri-food exports have accumulated 12 continuous years of surplus and represent almost 20% of the country’s total exports, with a value of 70,000 million euros in 2023.

He pointed out that Spain is the fourth largest exporter in Europe and seventh in the world. In this area, the United States is the seventh largest destination for Spanish agri-food exports, the first non-European. In 2023, Spain exported products to this country for a value of close to 3,000 million euros, mainly olive oil and wine, with a favourable agri-food trade balance for Spain.

Looking to the future, Planas pointed to specialisation and differentiation as essential elements for facing new challenges, as well as good promotion of the quality of Spanish foodstuffs. The Food from Spain strategy and the “Spain Food Nation” initiative are good examples of the Government’s dedication to positioning our country as a food and gastronomic power. These initiatives emphasise the quality and diversity of Spanish products and the competitiveness of Spanish companies, to associate the image of Spain with quality food and gastronomy.

Summer Fancy Food
“Summer Fancy Food brings together more than 2,100 exhibitors from 60 countries and regions, mostly gourmet food companies, with Spain as the guest of honour.

In this context, the minister also visited the 6th edition of Vinexpo America, which is attended by 21 Spanish wineries and two wine regions (Valencia and Castilla-La Mancha), making Spain one of the countries with the largest representation.

The minister will also hold a meeting with representatives of the Little Spain Market, an ambitious project to promote Spanish gastronomy in the United States, led by the chef and ambassador of the Spain brand, José Andrés, together with the Adriá brothers.

During his visit to New York, Minister Planas also plans to meet with importers and distributors of Spanish agri-food products in the United States on Tuesday 25th to analyse the challenges they face and possible strategies for the future.

The minister will also visit the Europastry plant, a company specialising in the production and distribution of frozen dough products, which has its origins in Catalonia and is present in more than 80 countries.