The Consell de Mallorca’s refuges close the high season with 21.3 % more visitors than in the previous year

Jun 29, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The month of June recorded a peak in occupancy and practically equalled the traditional peak period of March, April and May.

The network of refuges managed by the Consell de Mallorca has welcomed a total of 15,459 users in high season, which corresponds to the months of March, April and May, compared to the 12,743 places occupied in the same period in 2023.

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The Consell de Mallorca’s refuges close the high season with 21.3 %

This represents a new record number of overnight stays, with an increase of 2,716 more than the previous year, representing 21.3 percent.

The occupancy figures for the different accommodation in the high season are as follows: Tossals Verds (3,202), So n’Amer (3,071), Can Boi (2,549), Muleta (2,118), Pont Romà (2,119) and Galatzó (2,400).

The island institution’s network of refuges comprises six establishments located on public estates and offering 332 places.

The high season is extended until June

A new feature is that the high season at the Consell de Mallorca’s refuges has been extended until June, due to the significant increase in the number of bookings registered, which are practically on a par with the traditional months of March, April and May.

Thus, June will close with a forecast of 3,183 hikers, which is 9.8% more than in the same month of 2023.

The second vice-president and councillor for the Environment, Rural Affairs and Sports, Pedro Bestard, explained that “the lengthening of the high season in spring is due to several factors: the increase in the number of hikers on the Pedra en Sec route, which logically translates into an increase in overnight stays at these facilities, as well as the upturn in outdoor activities, especially mountain activities, following the pandemic”.

In this respect, Pedro Bestard added that “the increase in bookings reflects the great acceptance of our Pedra en Sec routes by hikers from all over the world”.

More than 1,800 schoolchildren

Of the total of 15,459 hikers who have received the shelters of Mallorca during March, April and May, 1,832 of them are students from schools who have enjoyed these facilities.

The schoolchildren, under 16 years of age, have stayed overnight in these establishments through the various educational initiatives promoted by the island’s institution: ‘Night of Stars’, ‘Una nit a la Serra’; the Serra de Tramuntana Consortium programme or through direct bookings made by schools and institutes on the island.

The busiest times of the year for hikers are spring (March, April and May) and autumn (October and November), when the maximum occupancy rates are reached and the area is almost full.