The Directorate General for Consumer Affairs meets with associations and companies to make progress on the new Consumer and User

Jun 30, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The new text responds to the need to transpose several European directives into Balearic legislation.

It has been noted that having an updated law is essential to better protect the rights of consumers.

The Directorate General for Consumer Affairs of the Regional Ministry of Health recently met with several consumer associations – Consubal, the Balearic School of Consumer Affairs and Terranostra, among others – as well as with the main business organisations – CAEB, and PIMEM – to discuss the Draft Bill for the Protection of Consumers and Users of the Balearic Islands, a legal text that will replace Law 7/2014, of 23 July, which regulated this matter and which will soon be ten years old.

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The Directorate General for Consumer Affairs meets with associations and companies to make progress on the new Consumer and User

The reason for the new legal text is the realisation that having an updated law is an essential tool for the proper functioning of the Consumer Administration in the task of protecting the rights of consumers and users.

The European Union is also constantly reviewing its consumer and user protection legislation. In these 10 years, several directives have been modified, which has made it necessary to transpose them into the legislation of the State and the Autonomous Communities, as consumer and user protection is a shared competence.

This is why the Directorate General for Services, Pharmacy and Consumer Affairs has decided to draft a new Consumer and User Protection Act, maintaining what has proven to be effective in protecting consumers and modifying or adding certain aspects. Before formally initiating the procedure for processing the law, it was considered appropriate to listen to the main interested and affected sectors.