Olive oil is an emblem of Spain’s agri-food heritage

Jul 1, 2024 | Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food stresses the importance of communication campaigns, such as the Food from Spain strategy, to bring the quality of olive oil to more consumers.

The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, has stressed the quality, goodness and organoleptic attributes of olive oil, which is an emblem of Spain’s agri-food heritage. “It is a unique element of the Mediterranean diet, but it is not only a food product, it shapes a lifestyle and a gastronomic culture that represents health and a future”, he said.

Luis Planas closed the first edition of the World Olive Oil Congress (OOWC), which took place in Madrid between 26 and 28 June, sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and in collaboration with the International Olive Oil Council (IOC) and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).

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Olive oil is an emblem of Spain’s agri-food heritage

The congress brought together national and international experts and scientists who addressed the current situation and the main challenges facing the entire olive oil value chain. The minister highlighted the fact that issues have been addressed from different angles of vision, and the fundamental role of science in public management. “We make policies based on scientific evidence, which is fundamental to be able to face all the future challenges we have,” he said, citing, for example, those related to climate change.

During his speech, the minister referred to the different initiatives promoted by the Government to consolidate the leadership of the Spanish olive oil sector and to face a double transformation, digital and green. He pointed out that his department has financed various projects to promote innovation and technological advances in the olive sector.

The minister pointed out the consumption potential that olive oil still has in the world, as it currently represents barely 3% of vegetable fat production when it is also one of the healthiest fats. He pointed out that on his recent trip to the United States, he had seen the existence of a very vibrant olive oil market outside the producing countries.

To promote olive oil’s image and market position in Spain, the Ministry awards the Food of Spain Prize for the Best Extra Virgin Olive Oils, as part of the “Food from Spain” strategy. This initiative is joined by the “Spain Food Nation” campaign, a major government effort to promote Spanish foodstuffs in third countries.

In the domestic market, olive oil consumption is showing some stability, which is why the minister highlighted the loyalty of consumers to this product in a period in which it has experienced a significant rise in prices. Planas pointed out that, sensitive to this situation, the Government approved last Tuesday in the Council of Ministers the elimination of VAT for olive oil until 30 September, and that from then on there will be a gradual recovery. However, it will remain at the super-reduced rate for necessities.