The Consell de Mallorca continues with the acts to commemorate the 450th anniversary of the death of Santa Catalina Tomàs

Jul 1, 2024 | Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

This Thursday, the island institution opens the exhibition ‘Devotio documenta thomasiae’ at the Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, which will be on display until the 30th of September.

The Consell de Mallorca continues with the events to commemorate the 450th anniversary of the death of Saint Catalina Tomàs: this Thursday, the island institution opens the exhibition ‘Devotio documenta thomasiae’ at the Misericordia Cultural Centre, which will be on display until the 30th of September in the Lluís Alemany library.

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The Consell de Mallorca continues with the acts to commemorate the 450th anniversary of the death of Santa Catalina Tomàs

The exhibition is part of the celebration of the 450th anniversary of the traffic of Santa Catalina Tomàs, with which the Consell de Mallorca aims to disseminate the documentary heritage of Mallorca and claim the role that has had, over the centuries, the insular institution, in the process of beatification of the only Mallorcan saint of the island.

The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, stresses that “the manifestations towards Saint Catalina Tomàs are part of the island’s intangible heritage, which is why it is necessary to vindicate this commemoration”.

Thus, the exhibition, made up of 12 display cases, aims to show a part of the library records that have to do with the devotion generated by the figure of Saint Catalina Tomàs. It brings together a collection of documents, the chronology of which begins in the 17th century and extends into the 20th century, although special emphasis is placed on the beatification (1792) and canonisation (1930). The exhibition is organised into different sections, entitled, the action of the Church, The Jewel of the Festival and the Writing and the Image, all of which represent some of how society demonstrates its devotion to Saint Catherine Thomas.

Preview of the programme

Friday, 19th July, the inauguration of the exhibition ‘Expressió de gratitud. Els exvots tomasians de la canònica de Santa Magdalena’.
Friday, 26th July, conference given by Mn. Nadal Bernat, priest of the monastery of Santa Magdalena, Palma, in the chapterhouse of the same monastery.
Saturday, 24th of August, in remembrance of the day the saint promised her perpetual vows, Catalina Tomàs theatre production, by Pere de Alcàntara Peña, in Valldemossa.
In September, a concert of religious music from the time of Santa Catalina Tomàs will be held, and this year, among other activities, a comic book will be published to raise awareness of the saint, and the triumphal chariot and ancient costumes related to the procession will be restored.