The citizen participation platform of the Pact for the Sustainability of the Balearic Islands is opened

Jul 2, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Government invites all citizens and regional actors to share the proposals they consider relevant to successfully move towards the economic, social and environmental sustainability of the archipelago.

With the slogan “Les illes que t’estimes més. Tu tries!”, the Government of the Balearic Islands is calling for the participation of organisations, associations, sectors and citizens to identify trends and challenges affecting the Balearic Islands, at a time when it is necessary to review the territorial organisation of tourist production and consumption, and to reorientate the future economic, social and environmental development of the islands.

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The citizen participation platform of the Pact for the Sustainability of the Balearic Islands is opened

The initiative – which is part of the Social and Political Pact for the Economic, Social and Environmental Sustainability of the Balearic Islands – is based on the conviction that the future is not a given or predetermined thing, but that the Islands are open to many possible futures. Precisely to consider all of them, with their advantages and disadvantages, and to give them coherence, the Government of the Balearic Islands invites all citizens and regional actors to share their proposals and make available to this process any information, data, research or knowledge bases that they consider relevant to successfully move towards the economic, social and environmental sustainability of the archipelago.

On the front page of the platform, the President of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Margalida Prohens, writes a letter to citizens to explain the importance of their participation and to explain the working dynamic that will be followed from Monday onwards. In the words of the President, the aim is none other than “to encourage more democratic, transparent, active and diverse participation, both of regional actors with decision-making powers and of citizens in general. In this way, we aim to capture views on a large scale and increase inclusiveness and geographical coverage across all islands and municipalities”.

Once the proposals that citizens have registered on the website have been collected, they will be passed on to the working groups, which have been structured around 12 areas of reflection-action. The groups will be made up of members of the Social and Political Pact for the Economic, Social and Environmental Sustainability of the Balearic Islands, which was set up on 22 May, with the participation of representatives from the economic sectors, universities, local administrations, political parties and civil society organisations, and where their proposals will also be debated. To promote the generation of sound knowledge that has practical implications for public and private decision-making, this process will also include the contribution of knowledge from the committee of experts.

Please find attached the link to the participation platform:
