The Balearic Islands registered 641,635 Social Security registrations in June and once again lead the way in employment growth

Jul 3, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The territory increased registrations by 3.1% in both annual and month-on-month terms.

Unemployment fell by 6.9 % compared to a year ago and stood at 26,369 people.

The administrative unemployment rate on the islands reached an all-time high of 3.9% in June

The self-employed regime in the Balearic Islands had 104,890 people affiliated in June, a figure that represents 16.3% of total registered employment

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The Balearic Islands registered 641,635 Social Security registrations in June and once again lead the way in employment growth

The Balearic Islands continue to generate employment and reduce unemployment figures in the last month, with historic figures. Thus, in June the number of people registered with Social Security in the Balearic Islands was 641,635, which implies an increase of 19,190 registrations compared to June 2023, an increase of 3.1%. The State as a whole shows an average annual increase in employment of 2.5% for this period.

A comparison of the June data with those of the previous month shows an increase of 19,360 registrations in the Balearic Islands, i.e. a month-on-month rise of 3.1 %. In this category, the Balearic Islands is the Autonomous Community leading the rise in employment by a large margin, out of a total of 14 territories showing increases in enrolment. In Spain as a whole, enrolment is up 0.3% on the previous month.


With regard to unemployment, the Balearic Islands continue to be among the communities with the highest percentage decreases in both year-on-year and month-on-month terms. Thus, the number of people in this situation during June was 26,369, a figure that shows a decrease of 1,955 people, i.e. 6.9% less than in June 2023. By gender, 57.2% of the unemployed are women while 42.8% are men.

In this category, unemployment falls above all in Ibiza (-9.7 %), followed by Formentera (-9.0 %), Menorca (-8.6 %) and Mallorca (-6.5 %). In Spain as a whole, the unemployment rate also fell, with an average of -4.8 %.

From a month-on-month perspective, unemployment falls and is reduced compared to May by 373 people, -1.4 % in relative terms. This decrease is particularly noticeable in Formentera (-16.5 %), followed by Menorca (-5.0 %), Ibiza (-2.2 %) and Mallorca (-1.0 %). In the country as a whole, the data show a fall in unemployment compared to May of -1.8 %.

By group, year-on-year unemployment fell among women (-9.0 %), the over-25s (-7.8 %) and Spaniards (-7.7 %); but rose among the under-25s (+3.6 %). Compared with the previous month, unemployment fell among women (-2.0 %), those aged 25 and over (-1.5 %) and non-EU foreigners (-3.2 %).

The administrative unemployment rate for June was a historic figure of 3.9%, 0.5 points below the figures recorded a year ago.

The regional secretary for Labour, Employment and Social Dialogue, Catalina Cabrer, gave a positive assessment of the levels of employment and unemployment recorded, “which continue to be above those recorded for Spain as a whole”, she said.

Cabrer explained that these figures “speak volumes in June, bearing in mind that the start of the season, the opening of tourist establishments and the complementary offer took place in March, coinciding with Easter Week, and in June we are still leading the way in job creation and the fall in unemployment. The season is good and looks set to close on a very good note”.

The regional secretary indicated that taking these figures into account, the Government plans to work on two main areas: on the one hand, improving the quality of work, “focusing on fulfilling the commitments to reduce and maintain the rates of temporary and part-time contracts, whose figures are half those recorded in the rest of Spain”; and on the other hand, health and safety in the workplace. In this sense, Cabrer indicated the need to “analyse, among all of us, the level of absenteeism as an issue that affects the productivity of companies, as well as workloads”.

With regard to the unemployed, the Head of Employment added that “we will analyse the data, the ages and the level of studies of the unemployed because we need professionals”.


In June, 42,883 new contracts were registered in the Balearic Islands, 6,338 fewer than a year ago (-12.9%). From this perspective, hiring fell in Menorca (-16.3 %), Ibiza (-15.7 %) and Mallorca (-12.5 %), but rose in Formentera (+26.2 %). In this range, recruitment fell in agriculture (-28.3 %) and construction (-16.2 %), followed by other services (-14.9 %), commerce (-12.9 %), hotels and catering (-10.9 %) and industry (-4.0 %).

Comparing the hiring data with the previous month (May) shows a reduction of 9,817 contracts, -18.6 %. This fall is most noticeable in Ibiza (-31.7 %), followed by Menorca (-16.9 %), Formentera (-15.3 %) and Mallorca (-15.0 %). By groups, hiring in this category decreased more among women (-18.9 %), the over 25s (-28.6 %) and EU foreigners (-28.4 %), but increased among the under 25s (+14.1 %). By sector, month-on-month hiring fell in all sectors except commerce (+0.4%).

In terms of the percentage of permanent contracts out of the total in this category, the Balearic Islands continued to lead the ranking by autonomous region in June, with 75.2 % of permanent contracts, compared with the national average of 41.2 %.

The temporary employment rate continued to fall in May (latest available data) to 8.2 % in April, while the part-time employment rate remained practically unchanged at 11.1 % for the same month.


In the Balearic Islands, the self-employed regime accounted for 104,890 people affiliated in June, representing 16.3% of total registered employment. The number of people who have chosen this type of affiliation increased by 2,207 (+2.2%) since June 2023 and by 1,074 (+1.0%) compared with May 2024. In Spain as a whole, self-employed workers account for 15.8%.

Job seekers

The number of job seekers in the Islands in June was 52,559 persons, which represents an increase of 1,811 job seekers (+3.6 %) as compared with June 2023. Job seekers experienced an increase in all the islands, especially in Formentera (+11.3 %), followed by Menorca (+7.2 %), Ibiza (+5.8 %) and Mallorca (2.9 %).

Concerning the month of May, the number of job seekers on the islands fell by 1,360 people, -2.5 %. This drop occurred on all the islands, especially in Formentera (-14.5 %), followed by Menorca (-7.6 %), Ibiza (-5.2 %) and Mallorca (-1.6 %).

The unemployment protection rate for the whole of Spain (-14.5 %), followed by Menorca (-7.6 %), Ibiza (-5.2 %) and Mallorca (-1.6 %).

Finally, the unemployment benefit protection rate for all job seekers in June stood at 39.9%, which represents 0.8 points above the protection rate for the same month a year ago.