More than 12.8 million taxpayers have already received their refunds at the close of the Income Tax Campaign for an amount of 9,042 million euros

Jul 6, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Tax Agency has provided more than 813,000 responses through the digital assistance channels to taxpayers who have used these tools designed to facilitate the preparation of the return.

The Tax Agency has already returned 9,042 million euros to 12,814,000 taxpayers at the end of the 2023 Personal Income Tax (IRPF 2023) return campaign, so that, as of yesterday, 78.9% of the refunds requested in number and 66.6% in amount have already been paid. The evolution of the refunds paid (+6.4% in number and +8.9% in amount) is the result of the increase in taxpayers’ requests for refunds. At the end of the campaign, 24,013,000 returns had been filed, 4.9% more than last year, of which 67% (16,229,000) resulted in a refund.

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More than 12.8 million taxpayers have already received their refunds at the close of the Income Tax Campaign for an amount of 9,042 million euros

Almost two million returns with personalised assistance
In terms of filing methods, the ‘Le Llamamos’ plan for telephone filing is once again the main filing system with personalised assistance, with 1,128,000 returns, 5.4% more than in the previous tax year and 57% of all returns filed with personalised assistance for taxpayers.

In addition, 831,000 returns were filed in offices, 6.6% more than the previous year, so that, together, in the current campaign almost two million returns were filed with direct and personalised assistance for taxpayers, who have a double alternative in the event of requiring this type of assistance, with or without going to a physical office.

Thus, between the service in offices and the ‘Le Llamamos’ plan, almost two million returns have been filed with personalised assistance for taxpayers, of which almost 25% correspond to people over 65 years of age.

Strong growth in filings with the app
Once again this year, however, taxpayers continue to file their returns mainly online, with a total of 22,053,000 returns filed online during the campaign that is now coming to an end, almost 92% of the total. Of these, more than 21,405,000 were filed via the Agency’s Electronic Headquarters, 4.3% more than the previous year, and the remaining 647,000 via the Agency’s mobile application, with a further sharp increase in the year-on-year comparison (+23.3%). Of the total number of returns filed using the app, 482,000 were ‘one-click’ filings and the rest were taxpayers who were referred by the app to the AEAT website to modify and returned to the app to complete the filing.

More than 813,000 responses through digital assistance channels
Taxpayers requiring individualised assistance are therefore making increasing use of this powerful alternative to face-to-face assistance in offices, as well as the help provided by two digital assistance channels, the ‘Virtual Income Tax Assistant’ and the ‘Income Tax Informer’, which last year offered taxpayers almost 515,000 natural language answers to taxpayers’ queries through the ‘Assistant’, and another 260,000 through the ‘Informer’, with all the information structured by blocks of content.

Similarly, taxpayers with more specific or complex doubts have been able to connect with specialists from the Integral Digital Administration (ADI), who have attended more than 38,000 chats (45.7% more than the previous year), and have also had the traditional telephone channel for resolving tax doubts, which during the campaign has handled more than 2,315,000 calls from different taxpayer profiles.

23,000 rectifications following preventive warnings
One of the new features of the campaign that is now coming to an end is the implementation of preventive warnings by letter (in addition to the Renta Web and the app) to taxpayers to avoid errors and omissions that may subsequently lead to an eventual regularisation by the Agency.

In line with the strategy of advancing voluntary compliance by means of preventive warnings to avoid errors and omissions in the return, these letters were addressed to certain cases of taxpayers who had filed their return modifying the information provided by the Agency, so that they could assess whether or not they should file a complementary return adapting it to the information available to the AEAT.

More than 23,000 taxpayers have rectified their return to date after receiving the Tax Agency’s warning, thus avoiding a possible subsequent verification by the Agency, the generation of interest and the imposition of possible penalties. For these taxpayers, the Renta Web system itself offers a proposal for a complementary return with the data already included.

Wealth Tax
In parallel to the Income Tax Campaign, the Wealth Tax Campaign has also been carried out, which had to be declared by those taxpayers with a tax liability to pay (after applying the corresponding deductions and allowances) and also those without a tax liability to pay who last year had assets and rights worth more than two million euros. At the end of the campaign, almost 228,000 Wealth tax returns have been registered and the amount to be paid has reached 1,911 million euros.