New authorisation for seasonal services in Sa Mesquida, Maó, for 2024-2025

Jul 8, 2024 | Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The application includes the installation of a dry marina that will allow the storage of up to seven boats, covering a total surface area of 244.15 m².

The Directorate General for Coasts and Coastal Areas of the Regional Ministry of the Sea and Water Cycle has approved a new authorisation for the installation of seasonal services in the area of Sa Mesquida, located in the municipality of Maó, for the years 2024 and 2025.

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New authorisation for seasonal services in Sa Mesquida, Maó, for 2024-2025

This authorisation includes the installation of a dry marina that will allow the storage of up to seven boats, covering a total surface area of 244.15 m². The documentation submitted, which included the application and the technical project, was positively evaluated with favourable reports from the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Directorate General for the Natural Environment.

The conditions established ensure the compatibility of the occupation of the maritime-terrestrial public domain with the preservation of the natural environment and the public use of the coastline. The construction of permanent works within this area is prohibited, and all installations must be completely dismountable.

The conditions of the authorisation include several important aspects:

Environmental compatibility: The installations must be completely demountable and the construction of fixed works will not be allowed. It is ensured that the occupation is compatible with the preservation of the natural environment and the public use of the coastline.
Period of authorisation: The authorisation is valid for two years, until 31 December 2025. The facilities must be dismantled at the end of each season, before 30 November, and remain so for at least one month each year.
Food and beverage establishments: Establishments may not exceed 70 m², with a maximum of 20 m² for enclosed areas. On natural stretches of beach, the minimum distance between these establishments will be 300 metres, while on urban beaches it will be 100 metres.
Beach facilities: Service buildings shall preferably be located off the beach. If this is not possible, they shall be attached to the inner edge of the beach.

Mooring and anchoring points: Mooring points may be used by authorised vessels and in cases of emergency. Anchoring of vessels must be done in a way that does not obstruct traffic, using multiple anchorages if necessary.
Materials and design: The facilities must harmonise with the surroundings, using suitable materials, of good quality and with an aesthetic design.
With this authorisation, the Directorate General for Coasts and Coastal Areas reaffirms its commitment to sustainable and orderly management of the coastline, guaranteeing both public use and the protection of the maritime-terrestrial public domain in the Balearic Islands. This resolution underlines the importance of careful planning and rigorous assessment to balance the development of seasonal services with environmental conservation and public accessibility.