The Regional Ministry of Education and Universities makes the instruction regulating the morning school programme more flexible

Jul 9, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The allowance for teaching staff participating in the programme is increased from €7.41 per day to €22 per day.

The deadline for schools to apply for membership in the programme has been extended

The Regional Ministry of Education and Universities has sent schools the instruction to regulate the programme for opening schools in the mornings during non-teaching hours for the 2024/2025 academic year, which the regional secretary for Educational Development, Mateu Suñer, has already signed.

This instruction is aimed at the management teams of the public preschools, and primary and special education centres that depend on the Regional Ministry of Education and Universities.

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The Regional Ministry of Education and Universities makes the instruction regulating the morning school programme more flexible

The document presents a series of modifications concerning the one approved for the 2023/2024 academic year. Among others, the centres that wish to participate in the programme can send their applications electronically, whereas until now this had to be done in person.

In addition, the deadline for submitting applications has been increased. Thus, the centres that wish to do so must send their application to the Scholarships, Programmes and Complementary Services Service before 6 September. In the instruction for the 2023/2024 academic year, the deadline was 31 July.

Likewise, one of the most substantial modifications is the increase in the bonus that teachers who, voluntarily, provide care and attention to students during the morning school programme will receive, going from the €7.41 per day they received until now to the €22 per day they will receive at the end of each term in the 2024/2025 academic year.

On the other hand, the instruction signed today by the Regional Secretary for Educational Development regarding the morning school programme eliminates the point that established that the centres that had a surplus from the Conciliation and Co-responsibility Plan from the second term of the academic year, should use it for the same concept until the allocation was exhausted. This means that the centres that have this surplus can use it for other purposes.

Finally, the Evaluation Committee for the morning school programme has been eliminated, on the understanding that the centres are already considered to be members of the programme simply by applying to take part in it, as no procedure has to be resolved because the programme is granted to all the centres that apply for it.

The purpose of the programme for opening schools in the mornings is to offer a service to families to make family and work life compatible and, at the same time, to promote the use of the facilities and the use of the resources of the schools in the mornings, during non-teaching hours, before the start of the school day, with activities of a cultural, sporting, study and/or artistic nature aimed at the pupils who make use of them.