The Consell Insular and the Bishopric of Menorca signed the agreement that will allow accommodation at the Toro sanctuary

Jul 10, 2024 | Current affairs, Interview, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

After many years, the situation is unblocked and will allow the Bishopric to develop the uses of the area.

On Wednesday, 3rd July, the Consell Insular de Menorca signed a collaboration agreement with the Bishopric of Menorca for the specific modification of the Special Protection Plan for the “El Toro” natural area of special interest in Menorca and the adjacent ARIP.

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The Consell Insular and the Bishopric of Menorca signed the agreement that will allow accommodation at the Toro sanctuary

In the plan of action of the Special Plan, the Consell Insular (Island Council) plans to draw up the Special Plan for the BIC, the aim of which is to delimit the protected environment, regulate the activities and establish the permitted and non-permitted uses of this heritage asset, which enjoys the highest degree of protection.

Nearly two decades have passed since the final approval of the Special Plan for the Protection of the Bull, and it is now necessary to adapt it to the reality of the surroundings, guaranteeing the conservation of the natural and heritage values, with special attention to the sanctuary of the Bull and the uses that are developed, as well as the rest of the planning instruments in force. Among other aspects that will have to be analysed, there is the possibility of simplifying the instruments that regulate this area.

The Bishopric of Menorca undertakes to draw up, in each of the phases of execution of the work, the technical documentation necessary to modify the Plan. In phase 1, it will have to submit to the Consell de Menorca the application for the initiation (draft document of the Plan and initial strategic document). In phase 2, the initial approval (initial document of the Plan and strategic environmental study) and in phase 3 the final approval (final document of the Plan and the strategic environmental study of the final document).

“We have just signed a very important and long-awaited agreement for the Bishopric. With this agreement, the use of the building for accommodation will be allowed, a question that had been on our minds for years, and therefore, we have unblocked a major project to be able to find an outlet for the use of the Toro building,” said the president of the Consell Insular de Menorca, Adolfo Vilafranca.