Víctor Martí, Mayor of Binissalem, invites us to the Festa de Sant Jaume (Saint James Festival)

Jul 12, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Binissalem is celebrating its patron saint’s fiestas in honour of Saint James with an extensive programme of activities for all ages and preferences, which kicked off on Thursday 11 July and will continue until the 30th.

According to the mayor, Víctor Martí, these festivities are “deeply rooted among the people of Binissalem, where the street plays a very important role, as getting out of the house and taking part in the many activities scheduled is the goal of this council”. “In these festivities, children recover street games, which are very important because they help in the learning process and the development of their future personality”.

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Víctor Martí, Mayor of Binissalem, invites us to the Festa de Sant Jaume (Saint James Festival)

“These fiestas are an invitation to enjoy the magical summer nights, the local gastronomy, the surroundings and all that the town has to offer to residents and visitors”.

A wide range of possibilities

The councillor for Fairs and Festivals, Joan Andreu Sabater, explained that the programme is designed to cover all areas of sport and culture, in all its aspects “so that everyone can find an activity to their liking”.

“Twenty days of non-stop concerts, theatre, various exhibitions, dance, reading, street parades, street parties, workshops, street games, popular dances, among other scheduled events”. “Children and young people are the main protagonists of the festival and, therefore, there are many options for these groups”.

Proposals such as the ‘Binibrutal infantil’ or ‘Binitalent’, young gymkhana, children’s aquatic party, the ‘XIV Reventado musical’, beach party, horse party, family circus workshop, traditional games, children’s foam disco, correfoc gordo, and more.

Sports are represented by the XXIV San Jaime tennis tournament and the 3 x 3 football tournament for children, while the performing arts have their place in the Binissalem Film Festival ‘Binimetrajes’ in its first edition.

A town of solidarity

Always with the most disadvantaged in mind, the programme also includes solidarity events such as the evening in favour of ASPANOB, the new edition of ‘Mojado por la esclerosis múltiple’ (Dunk for Multiple Sclerosis) on Sunday the 14th of July in Can Arabí, and the first integrative psychodance workshop.

For Catalina Cortés, councillor for Commerce, Associations and Citizen Participation, “the preparation of the festival programme is a challenge year after year, as we want to reach out to all groups and residents, as well as offering attractive events for those who visit us or come from outside the municipality”.

“We are very grateful to all the associations, individuals and entities that collaborate in the programming of these festivities that are so much ours”.

The programme began last Thursday with the ‘Fil de Blues’ concert as part of the ‘Nits al fresca’ 2024 programme and this Friday sees one of its major events with the ‘Shopping Night’, an evening event in which the town’s shops display part of their stock in the street, as well as entertainment and raffles in the square.

The festivities will end on Sunday 28th with the traditional fireworks display, after the ‘Correfoc grueso’ (firework display) and the popular dance. The programme will end on Tuesday 30 July with a singing workshop for pregnant women at Can Gelabert.