50 young people are taking part in the Pyrenean Adventure as part of the Estiu Jove 2024 programme

Jul 15, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

25 of them left on 30 June in the first shift, and this Monday, 8 July, the remaining 25 have left in the second shift.

Last Sunday morning, 30th June, the 25 participants of the first shift of Aventura al Pirineu left Menorca airport. They set off for the Cap del Rec camp in the Nordic ski resort of Lles, located at an altitude of 1956 metres in the small municipality of Lles de Cerdanya, Girona. Lles is crossed by the Orri stream, where the Orri lake falls, at the foot of the Tossa Plana de Lles. For ultra-running fans it is where Kilian Jornet lived when he was a child.

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50 young people are taking part in the Pyrenean Adventure as part of the Estiu Jove 2024 programme

Once they arrived at the base camp, the group of young people moved into what was their home for a week, where they met up with other groups of young people from other parts of the peninsula and even from other countries.

The group of young people enjoyed an intense week of coexistence and adventure activities such as mountain biking, horse riding, mountain orienteering, hiking, canyoning, gymkhanas and other sports games. They also visited Barcelona, where they toured the Gothic Quarter.

This is the first time this activity has taken place in this camp in Lles in Cerdanya, next to the Nordic ski resort of Lles, surrounded by lakes, forests and 3,000-metre mountains.

Second shift: from 8 to 13 July

This Monday, 8th July, the group of participants of the second round of the Pyrenean Adventure took off. This group, made up of young people from 12 to 14 years old, will stay at the AlpHotel Masella, located at the foot of the ski slopes of the Masella ski resort. As in the previous session, during these days they will carry out activities such as rock climbing, mountain biking, orienteering, archery, horse riding, slackline, river trekking, among others. They will also visit the city of Barcelona before returning to Menorca on Saturday 13 July.