The Consell de Mallorca promotes its campaign to prevent sexual aggressions this summer under the slogan “Aquest estiu, serem pertot” (“This summer, we will be safe”)

Jul 16, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The island institution manages to increase the number of municipalities committed to the No i punt! initiative to inform and raise awareness of this violence at local festivals from 20 to 49.

The Consell de Mallorca is promoting the No i punt! campaign, under the slogan “Aquest estiu, serem pertot”, to prevent sexual aggression at local festivals this summer. The aim is to raise awareness of the need to eradicate sexual violence by setting up information points to raise awareness and, at the same time, to offer a safe place to go to in the event of suffering an assault of this kind.

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The Consell de Mallorca promotes its campaign to prevent sexual aggression this summer

The councillor for the Presidency, Antoni Fuster, stresses that “we institutions must carry out preventive work about unacceptable attitudes”. He adds that “we firmly believe that providing information and training allows us to involve the public, get them to detect this type of behaviour and react to it”.

The island institution has managed to increase the participation of municipalities in the initiative concerning July 2023, going from 20 to 49, in addition to the local entity of Palmanyola. Also, as a novelty, the commitment of the local councils has gone from being annual to a commitment throughout the entire legislature to achieve greater social co-responsibility.

Because of the increase in the number of municipalities involved in the campaign, the councillor for the Presidency is pleased that “Mallorca is an island committed to the fight against sexual aggression and sexist attitudes”. Antoni Fuster assures that “women can count on our support and resources to feel free and safe”. The island’s Director of Families, Ana Ferriol, explains that in the summer the campaign tent will be set up in 34 municipalities with staff provided by the Consell de Mallorca.