Health reminds us that only companies registered in the Register of Management Entities transport water with all the guarantees for human consumption.

Jul 16, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The updated register includes 78 companies in the Balearic Islands, which are under sanitary surveillance by the Directorate General of Public Health.

Cisterns or mobile tanks that transport water for human consumption must be used exclusively for this purpose. They must bear, clearly and visibly, the inscription “Agua de consumo humano” (water for human consumption), together with the pictogram of the white tap on a blue background.

These tanks have a favourable health report, issued by the Directorate General of Public Health, and are registered in the Register of entities managing water supplies for human consumption or any other activity linked to these supplies in the Balearic Islands, to be able to transport water fit for consumption with total safety for the population.

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Register of Management Entities transport water

Only those that are registered in the Register of Management Entities and bear the inscription and pictogram transport water fit for human consumption with full health guarantees. These tankers can only load water in supply areas registered in the Register of Managing Entities and, therefore, are subject to health surveillance by the Directorate General for Public Health, and apply a self-control and supply management programme, in compliance with current health regulations.

There are currently seventy-eight companies registered in the Balearic Islands that transport water for human consumption, according to the latest list updated in January of this year. They are distributed as follows:

  • Majorca: 46 (two more)
  • Menorca: 2
  • Eivissa: 25 (four more)
  • Formentera: 5 (two more)

On the website, you can find the list of companies registered in the Register of Management Entities of the Balearic Islands for each of the islands.