An investment of 7.549.451 € is authorised for the installation of four floating photovoltaic plants in irrigation ponds in Mallorca

Jul 16, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The installations will be installed in Capdepera, Santa Maria del Camí, Consell and Ariany.

These projects will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the pressure on rural land in the face of the penetration of renewables

The Consell de Govern has authorised the Instituto Balear de la Energía (IBE), at the proposal of the Conselleria de Empresa, Empleo y Energía, an investment of 7,549,451.16 euros to carry out the contract for the execution of four floating photovoltaic installations on irrigation ponds in Mallorca.

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An investment of 7.549.451 € is authorised for the installation of four floating photovoltaic plants

The public energy company plans to start the tender dossier for these works using a contract divided into four lots, which will allow the installation of floating photovoltaic plants in Capdepera (1,400 kWn), in Santa Maria del Camí (700 kWn), in Consell (700 kWn) and in Ariany (725 KWn).

These projects will reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and atmospheric pollutants from thermal power stations, through the penetration of renewable energies in the energy mix of the Balearic Islands, thus displacing the production of electricity from polluting sources.

Likewise, this type of installation reduces the pressure on rural land about the introduction of renewable energies, while at the same time contributing to its conservation and maintenance as a landscape, cultural and tourist asset.

The promotion of this new niche of qualified, sustainable and quality work in the Balearic Islands that is not linked to the tourist sector contributes to the diversification of the economy and, specifically, to the greater democratisation of the energy sector.