Health warns citizens of the dangers of pseudo-medical therapies

Jul 17, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Conselleria urges patients to be treated according to the best scientific evidence available at any given time

It denounces the fact that these unvalidated techniques take advantage of the extreme vulnerability of some people.

The Regional Ministry of Health warns the public of the dangers of the increasingly common pseudo-medical therapies which, on most occasions, take advantage of the extreme vulnerability of people suffering from illnesses in an extreme situation.

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Health warns citizens of the dangers of pseudo-medical therapies

Salud wants to issue this warning given the celebration on 26 July of an event organised by the self-styled group Dulce Revolución, known for its attacks on both the pharmaceutical industry and the World Health Organisation. This organisation has publicly expressed its disagreement with vaccines and habitually defends the practice of treatments without scientific evidence that can even have harmful effects on health.

The Regional Ministry recalls the existence of a Plan for the Protection of People’s Health against Pseudotherapies of the Ministries of Health and Science and Innovation (, which aims to provide citizens with accurate and rigorous information to differentiate practices whose effectiveness in treating or curing diseases has been scientifically proven from others that have not demonstrated this effectiveness, and thus improve the adoption of informed decisions.

The Spanish Medical Association (OMC) also has an Observatory ( on the latest therapies without scientific validity.

The conditioning factor in most techniques or therapies is the inducement of the client to believe that the technique or therapy works per se, with the consequent risk of making it their first or only choice for a health problem.