Spain wins 241 million euros in EU funding to promote an efficient and sustainable trans-European transport network

Jul 18, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Up to 22 business projects validated by the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility will receive aid under the 2023 call for proposals of the Connecting Europe Facility, which includes 208 million euros to finance actions to decarbonise and digitalise transport in eight autonomous communities.

Spain has obtained 241 million euros in European aid to finance actions aimed at deploying an efficient and sustainable Trans-European Transport Network. Specifically, 22 business projects validated by the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility will receive the funds under the 2023 call of the Connecting Europe Facility dedicated to the development of transport network infrastructures.

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Spain wins 241 million euros in EU funding

Of the selected projects, 15 are developed exclusively in Spain by public and private companies and seven are EU projects with Spanish participation. Specifically, 13 of the 15 projects will receive 208 million euros to carry out actions of decarbonisation and digitisation of transport in eight autonomous communities: Aragon; Catalonia; Valencia; Andalusia; La Rioja; Cantabria; Madrid and Asturias. The other nine projects, with an impact throughout the country, will receive around 38 million euros.

The selected actions are those that have achieved the best score in each of the lines of the call in which they participated.

The result
Within Spain, and the framework of the line destined to the basic network, Adif has obtained 78 million euros to co-finance the electrification of the Zaragoza-Teruel-Sagunto railway section, included in the Mediterranean Corridor. Meanwhile, the Port Authorities of Barcelona, Valencia and Gijón will receive 15, 24 and 3 million euros, respectively, totalling 42 million euros, to electrify docks and allow ships docked in port to connect to the electricity grid and switch off their auxiliary engines, thus advancing in the decarbonisation of ports and transport.

In the framework of the global network, four business projects have obtained 57 million euros in aid. For example, the Port Authority of Almeria has obtained 6 million euros for the extension of the Pechina quay and of Santander will have 4 million euros for the Raíces quay.

In addition, 28 million euros have been granted to promote the development of the Sagunto multimodal logistics terminal. Finally, 20 million euros have been allocated for the development of the multimodal railway terminal in Huesca.

Within the line related to safe and secure mobility, three projects will receive €17 million to finance the development of safe and secure parking areas in Madrid, Catalonia and La Rioja.

Finally, 11 projects related to smart and interoperable mobility will receive a total of €48 million to finance the following actions:

Development of traffic management and maritime information systems in the ports of Seville, Valencia and for the implementation of the maritime one-stop shop at the European level.
Development of intelligent transport systems on several Spanish roads.
European proposals for the development of the Single European Sky SESAR.
Development or updating of information systems for advanced railway capacity planning.
Development of data spaces for mobility analysis in Spain and a study of the potential of artificial intelligence to optimise urban and interurban public transport networks.

Connecting Europe Facility
The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) grants are awarded on a competitive basis, whereby the projects selected are those that have obtained the highest score. The potential beneficiaries of these funds are institutions or companies established in any of the countries of the European Union, which can apply either individually or in groups, as well as certain international organisations related to the infrastructure and transport sector.

The CEF Work Programme, which lays the foundations for all the calls to be held during the current Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027, foresees the publication of a new call in September 2024, which in the general framework in which Spain participates will cover the themes of Safe and Secure Mobility, Intelligent and Interoperable Mobility, and also Sustainable and Multimodal Mobility.