The Consell de Mallorca allocates 12 million euros to improve and create new sports facilities in the municipalities of the island

Jul 19, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

An informative meeting was held with the heads of the town councils to present them with the call for aid applications.

The Consell de Mallorca’s Department of the Environment, Rural Affairs and Sports has approved a call for subsidies for the island’s town councils to promote physical activity, through aid to create new sports facilities and improve existing ones, for a total of 12 million euros.

The presentation of this call took place at an informative meeting in Son Pardo, attended by the mayors, councillors and heads of the sports departments of some forty municipalities on the island; a meeting attended by the second vice-president and councillor for the Environment, Rural Affairs and Sports, Pedro Bestard, the island director of Sports, Toni Prats, the head of the Sports Department, Miquel Roca, and the coordinator of Activities, Biel Gili.

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The Consell de Mallorca allocates 12 million euros to improve and create new sports facilities in the municipalities

The Executive Council has approved the call for applications for grants for the years 2024 and 2025 and the deadline for submission of projects will be 20 working days from its publication in the BOIB.

Councillor Pedro Bestard pointed out that ‘this aid programme responds to the request of many town councils that ask us for financial support to promote their sports projects […] With this aid to municipalities, we want to give a boost to the policies of collaboration with local authorities in Mallorca, to help maintain, improve, reform or build public sports facilities on the island’, said the councillor, after participating in the meeting with municipal officials to explain the details of the call for applications.

Bestard also stressed his commitment to ‘promoting grassroots sport, and to this end, it is necessary for children and young people to have adequate facilities so that they can play the sport in the best possible conditions, and we, with these important grants, are helping to achieve this objective’.

Specifically, projects relating to sports flooring; pavilion roofs or enclosures (paddle tennis courts, repair of leaks); complementary elements and spaces (bathrooms, changing rooms, etc.); improved accessibility and evacuation and new inventoriable equipment (purchase of sports material) are eligible for aid. It will also include projects for the creation of new infrastructures; the improvement of energy efficiency and other similar actions.

With regard to the distribution of the amounts, a fixed amount of €115,384 is envisaged for each town council, while the rest of the amount will be granted in proportion to the number of inhabitants of each municipality.

Actions that have been completed and paid for between 1 January 2024 and 31 December 2026 will be eligible for fun

Eligible actions
Eligible actions include investment costs and the construction, renovation or repair of sports facilities owned by local authorities or institutional administrations that are dependent on them.