Inca fights against non-resident waste dumping tourism in the capital of Raiguer

Jul 20, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

More than 30% of the latest infractions reported by the Local Police are people who do not live in the capital of Raiguer and dump their waste in the containers located in the municipality of Inca.

16/07/2024. The Inca Town Council and the Local Police have intensified, during the last few weeks, the surveillance work to control the dumping of waste. The aim is to eradicate bad practices, to continue fighting against manure tourism and, at the same time, to ensure that the ordinance is complied with.

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Inca fights against non-resident waste dumping tourism in the capital of Raiguer

‘All Inquers and Inqueras have made a great effort to adapt to the new collection system and contribute to improving the recycling figures in our city. Therefore, the bad practices of a few people should not sully the good results we are achieving’, stresses the mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno.

In this way, during the last 10 days controls have been carried out in especially conflictive areas of the capital of Raiguer where there are batteries of containers located, among others in Tomir Street, Benhavet, Mandrava or Jaume I Avenue. A total of 41 reports were issued, denouncing 54 infractions of the Municipal Ordinances and the Waste Law 8/2009.

Thus, more than 30% of the complaints lodged are for depositing waste in containers outside the municipality’s own territory. ‘Over the last few years, we have made an effort to try to put an end to this illegal practice. There are many people who come to Inca to dump their waste and fill up our containers, causing harm to Inca’s own inquers and inqueres. It is not fair, therefore, that we have to pay for their incivility’, says the councillor for Services, María del Carmen Oses.

The other infractions are for not separating waste fractions in order to be able to carry out selective collection, throwing waste out outside the permitted times or depositing bulky waste on the public highway without authorisation. The penalties for non-compliance with the waste ordinance are up to 300 euros, in the case of minor offences. In the case of serious offences the fines can be up to 3,000 euros and 10,000 euros for very serious offences.