Inca awards the Pare Colom 2024 literary prizes

Jul 21, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Marta Julià Satorra, Carles Sala i Vila and Eduard Sanahuja Yll have been awarded in the categories of narrative, theatre and poetry, respectively.
A total of 203 original works were submitted for this edition of the Catalan-language competition, which has already become a benchmark on the national scene.

Once again this year, the cloister of Sant Domingo was the setting for the Pare Colom literary prizes, promoted by the Inca Town Council. The narrative prize was awarded to Marta Julià Satorra for her work ‘Algo más allá’ (Something beyond). In the theatre section, the award went to Carles Sala i Vila for his play ‘La cabana’. In addition, Eduard Sanahuja Yll’s collection ‘Mal menor’ was also awarded a prize. Aina Riera’s ‘Este legado’ was also selected as a finalist in the poetry category, in recognition of its merit.

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Inca awards the Pare Colom 2024 literary prizes

‘The Pare Colom Literary Awards are now in their 22nd year, and once again we are proud to see that this well-established competition is enjoying a huge participation year after year. Once again, more than 200 unpublished works have been presented in the different modalities. A figure that is a good example of the impact of these awards,’ says the mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno.

This year, a total of 203 original works were submitted. Specifically, 66 narrative works, 95 poems and 42 plays took part in the Pare Colom 2024 literary prizes. The editions of the winning works will be presented, as usual, during the autumn, coinciding with the Inca Fairs.

The rules of the call for these awards establish a prize of 3,000 euros in the narrative category and a prize of 1,200 euros in the poetry and theatre categories. In addition, the three prize-winning works are also published by Lleonard Muntaner Editors and then presented in Mallorca and Barcelona.

These awards, promoted by the City Council of Inca in collaboration with Lleonard Muntaner Editors, aim to contribute to the promotion of Catalan literature, while extolling the figure of the illustrious poet and linguist Pare Colom. The awards ceremony for the Pare Colom 2024 Awards also featured a musical performance by Joana Gomila and Laia Vallès.


NARRATIVE: Something Beyond, by Marta Julià Satorra.

‘Something Beyond’ is a collection of short stories that explores the intimacy of women in different moments of their lives, from childhood to old age. Fragments of life that pass through the need to fit into oneself and into the world.

Marta Julià Satorra (Sant Fruitós de Bages, 1984) has published the children’s novel ‘La Isla de los Recuerdos’ (2018) in Andana Editorial. After years of travelling around the world, she currently lives in a small village in the centre of Catalonia and teaches Catalan language and literature.

THEATRE: La cabaña, by Carles Sala i Vila.

‘La cabaña’ tells the story of a rather rude woman and a particularly immature young man who, one night of heavy rain, arrive for inexplicable reasons at the remote cabin where Salvador, El Sibarita de la Lluvia, an endearing old man touched by a singular mysticism and, probably, also by a touch of madness, lives.


As a result of the weather conditions and the geography of the place, the three characters are isolated and must live together for eleven days in this small universe that Salvador has created: a perched rock where he meditates, an esplanade with a buried dog that he talks to, a submerged walkway that perhaps the river has carried away and a hut with countless quotations from illustrious authors engraved on the roof beams.

As the days go by, tensions will arise, complicities will be woven, unexpected secrets will be discovered and, above all, reflections will be made on youth and old age, maladjustment, escape, loneliness, the limits of madness, coexistence with nature, wisdom, creativity, the passing of time, death? And the continuous search in a world in constant change.

Carles Sala i Vila is a teacher by training, although since 2008 he has dedicated himself professionally to literary creation and to giving school talks as an author. He is also a member of several literary juries.

He has published around forty books (some of them adapted for theatre), including Soy como soy (Barcanova), Buenas noches, Júlia (La Galera), Maria Llufa