The Govern holds the examination of the subaltern facultative body for the speciality of auxiliary support staff

Jul 28, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

This is the reservation of 2% of places required by law to be filled by people with intellectual disabilities.

The Govern de les Illes Balears, through the Balearic School of Public Administration (EBAP), has held today Saturday in Palma the first of the exams of the selective process of the subaltern body for the speciality of auxiliary support, of which there are 3 places in Mallorca. A total of 32 candidates were called to sit the exams, and 24 were finally examined in this test that took place this morning in the Galpar Melchor de Jovellanos building of the UIB. The process of this call, which corresponds to the 2% reserve of places required by law to be filled by people with intellectual disabilities, is carried out by the competitive examination system.

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The Govern holds the examination of the subaltern facultative body for the speciality of auxiliary support staff

Specifically, the applicants today completed the first practical exercise in which the specific skills required to carry out the functions of the speciality of support assistant were assessed.

Subsequently, applicants will take a second test consisting of an interview to evaluate those personal aspects that help assess their suitability for the job. Thus, aspects such as individual autonomy and practical and social intelligence will be assessed, as well as the motivation and knowledge of the person related to the category for which they are applying.

Once the competitive examination phase has been completed, the competition phase – which represents 30 % of the maximum score achievable in the selection process – will be used to assess the merits of the applicants, such as training or work experience, among others.