The Consell de Mallorca grants 580,000 euros in aid to the island’s municipalities to improve tourist services

Jul 28, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

In total there are 10 lines of action and 47 municipalities in Mallorca will benefit directly.

The Consell de Mallorca’s Department of Tourism has launched a call for applications for 580,000 euros in aid to the municipalities of Mallorca to modernise the role of tourist services in the island’s towns and villages, which will also improve the coexistence of residents and tourists. In addition to the town councils, the beneficiaries also include associations of municipalities and tourist foundations, which act on behalf of the town councils.

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The Consell de Mallorca grants 580,000 euros in aid to the island’s municipalities to improve tourist services

The aim of the call, in addition to improving the role of the island’s municipal tourism services, is to promote universal accessibility, renovation, modernisation and the promotion of technological innovation in tourist information services at the destination, so that the municipalities can adapt to the challenges of a tourism model that seeks to constantly improve coexistence.

Of the 580,000 euros allocated to the call, 430,000 euros will go to the town councils, another 140,000 euros to the associations of municipalities and finally, the remaining 10,000 euros will go to tourist foundations.
In total, there are 10 lines of eligible actions, concerning improvements to tourist information offices, accessible beaches, informative websites, routes of interest or strategic tourism plans, among others.
These grants will directly benefit 47 municipalities in Mallorca, with 32 town councils receiving the amounts awarded, one mancomunidad (representing a further 14 town councils) and one foundation.
The call has been launched by the island’s directorate of Tourism for Governance and Sustainability, whose head, Pedro Mas, has expressed his satisfaction with its success. ‘Since the beginning of the legislature we have set out to highlight the value of everything the municipalities of Mallorca do, and our aim is to help them, because by listening and knowing the needs of the local councils we can make progress in achieving common tourism goals,’ Mas says.