The Consell de Govern authorises expenditure to extend digital television to less urbanised areas

Jul 28, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The project has a budget of 12.9 million euros and will run from August 2024 to November 2033.

The Balearic Agency for Digitalisation, Cybersecurity and Telecommunications will be responsible for carrying out the management commissioning process.

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The Consell de Govern authorises expenditure to extend digital television to less urbanised areas

The Consell de Govern, at the proposal of the Conselleria d’Economia, Hacienda i Innovació, has authorised the expenditure of the management commissioning file to the Balearic Agency for Digitalisation, Cybersecurity and Telecommunications (IB Digital) to manage the extension of digital television in the less urbanised areas of the Balearic Islands.

The project has a total budget of 12,959,849.36 €, and the execution period is between 19 August 2024 and 30 November 2033. The distribution of the annual payments is as follows: €452,502.64 for 2024, €1,378,392.63 for the years 2025 and 2026, €1,409,719.73 for the years between 2027 and 2032, and €1,292,243.08 for the year 2033.