Agriculture, Fisheries and the Natural Environment pays the Menorcan dairy sector all of the dossiers of the line linked to the Provilac agreements

Jul 28, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

There have been 108 beneficiaries in Menorca, who have received funding of more than two million euros. In Mallorca, 14 dossiers have been resolved for a total of more than 426,000 euros.

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Environment, through the Agricultural and Fisheries Guarantee Fund of the Balearic Islands (FOGAIBA), has resolved and paid this week all the files of Menorca presented within the call linked to the Support Plan for the Viability, Modernization, Promotion and Marketing of the Dairy Sector (PROVILAC), a call that opened on March 13 and closed its deadline for submission on April 3.

Agriculture, Fisheries and the Natural Environment pays the Menorcan dairy sector all of the dossiers of the line linked to the Provilac agreements

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Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Environment pays to the dairy sector of Menorca all the files of the line linked to the agreements of Provilac
In detail, the totality of the files presented by the producers of Menorca have been resolved, 108, with an amount of 2,021,212.12 euros. It should be remembered that this line had a budget of 3.3 million euros, of which the Consell de Menorca contributed 1 million euros. This figure represents up to half a million euros more in aid than in the two previous editions of PROVILAC.

In addition, within the new Support Plan for the Viability, Modernisation, Promotion and Marketing of the Dairy Sector 2023, there was a line aimed at dairy industry operators to cover the additional costs due to milk processing; this aid was paid out a few weeks ago, with funding of close to 600,000 euros – divided between three dossiers.

The councillor, Joan Simonet, wanted to highlight ‘the speed of payment of this aid, which we have been able to resolve in less than three months thanks to the work carried out by the entire FOGAIBA team’. Thus, these two million euros are in addition to the increases that have been achieved within the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) aid and within the agri-environmental aid for the compensatory payment for areas with specific limitations (PCES), which amount to three million euros more; a figure that will increase further when the call for grazing drought begins to be paid, scheduled for October. In this regard, it is worth remembering the enormous impact that the increase in aid associated with dairy cattle has had on the Menorcan sector. For example, while under the previous CAP, dairy cattle farmers received 147 euros per cow, and the amount was reduced after 75 cows, this year they have received 204.45 euros per cow and this regression has not been applied.

In this sense, Simonet pointed out that ‘the primary sector of Menorca, at a time of great uncertainty, at a complicated time, has had the full support of the Government and has received a large economic injection that exceeds five million euros’.

Provilac in Mallorca

This week, almost all of the applications submitted as part of the PROVILAC programme in Mallorca have also been resolved and paid out: a total of 14 beneficiaries have received a final funding of 426,417.09 euros.

In this sense, it should be remembered that this new PROVILAC has aimed to reward the enterprising initiative of farmers and their commitment to producer organisations. Thus, the more commitments the farmers have made, the more funding they will have received.