Consell de Mallorca grants to promote local products benefit 17 companies and profit-making organisations to the tune of 300,000 euros

Jul 29, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Councillor Pilar Amate highlights the success of the call for applications and the interest it has aroused, after 100% of the approved credit has been exhausted

The Consell de Mallorca has granted 100 % of the credit for one of the calls for subsidies launched this year, aimed at the promotion and dissemination of local products, which has benefited 17 companies and for-profit entities on the island.

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Consell de Mallorca grants to promote local products benefit 17 companies and profit-making organisations to the tune of 300,000 euros

The Councillor for Economic Promotion and Local Development, Pilar Amate, has taken stock of this line of subsidies, in which 300,000 euros have been invested, and has highlighted the success of the call and the interest it has aroused. Amate announced that they are considering launching a new call for applications this year so that those applications that have been left out due to a lack of credit can be accepted.

Pilar Amate also pointed out that this year’s call establishes a total amount of 30,000 euros per beneficiary, ‘with the advantage that 100% of the cost of the project can be subsidised, compared to last year when only 80% of the total cost was subsidised’.

‘The entities to which the aid is granted represent different productive sectors of the island, which is why we have made the aid more extensive than last year’, added the Councillor for Economic Promotion and Local Development.

Successful call for applications

A total of 31 organisations applied for grants under this call for applications. Due to the large number of applications, the credit has been exhausted and many companies have been excluded.

Work is already underway on the next grants for 2025, intending to improve the requirements and increase the total amounts to extend the scope to more entities.

For his part, the island’s director of Economic Promotion and Product of Mallorca, Álvaro Roca, has detailed that ‘while in 2023 a total of 690,000 euros were approved and only 60,000 euros were granted (i.e. only 9%), in 2024 the aid granted will be 100% of that initially approved. In 2023, only 3 entities were able to receive this aid, while this year 17 entities will receive it’.

In addition, the time taken to grant aid has also been shortened, from 7 months between publication and award in 2023, to only 2 months this year. ‘This difference is one of the most important when it comes to the beneficiary entities being able to implement the promotional projects presented’, said Álvaro Roca.