Completion of the refurbishment of the cattle square and children’s play area

Jul 29, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Inca Town Council has refurbished the Plaça del Bestiar to improve the configuration of the space and define a more accessible and multifunctional public space. As part of the project, the children’s playground has also been renovated and enlarged, and the petanque court has been relocated.

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Completion of the refurbishment of the cattle square and children’s play area

‘The cattle square, with a surface area of more than 5,000 m2, had planters and petanque courts that occupied a large part of the public space. For this reason, we considered it appropriate to reform the configuration of the square to improve accessibility and, above all, also the passage and stay of citizens with a larger central area,’ explains the town planning councillor, Andreu Caballero.

For his part, the mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno, points out that ‘we are making an important effort to expand the public spaces of Inca and adapt them to the needs and demands of the citizens. In this square, for example, we are now giving more importance to the youngest Inquirers, who will be able to enjoy a larger playground.

‘In fact, it should be noted that this project ‘INCA, CIUDAD POR CONVIVIR’ has been developed within the framework of the first participatory budget campaign, as it was one of the projects most voted for by the citizens’.

The work consisted of refurbishing the children’s playground area, replacing the existing play equipment and the protective paving. The park has also been enlarged with the addition of a new inclusive play area, which currently has a surface area of 215m2. Specifically, a large multigame castle with slides, a tunnel corridor and 13 additional games distributed in a hexagonal tower, 2 triangular towers and 2 double triangular towers, as well as a swing and an inclusive game have been installed.

The project has included the removal of the existing petanque court and its relocation to another area where it interrupts less the natural passage of people, as well as the removal of a section of planter attached to the court. Everything was paved with the same type of paving as the square and 5 benches were added, increasing the paved surface of the square by 206.80m2.

On the other hand, the planter near the porch and close to the entrance to the square from Puresa street has also been reformed to improve circulation in the centre of the square and Formentor street. In this case, the surface area of the planter was reduced from 42.50m2 to 5.76m2, maintaining the existing tree in this area.

Finally, 6 silver trees have been planted in order to create an area of the square that is almost completely surrounded by trees.