President Galmés announces a general plan for the infrastructure of Bombers de Mallorca

Aug 2, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The president of the Consell de Mallorca has visited the facilities of the Parc de Bombers de Inca and wanted to see first-hand the state they are in.

The president of the Consell de Mallorca visited the facilities of the Parc de Bombers de Inca, accompanied by the councillor of Finance and Public Administration, Pilar Bonet; the island director of Emergencies, Joan Fornàs; the island director of Tourism for Governance and Sustainability, Pedro Mas; and the mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno.

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President Galmés announces a general plan for the infrastructure of Bombers de Mallorca

The president of the Consell de Mallorca announced a general infrastructure plan for the firefighters to improve the facilities of the existing fire stations and provide them with the necessary resources in terms of vehicles and equipment. He also assured that the Parc de Bombers de Migjorn, located in Santanyí, will be built with a budget of €3,847,946.42.

During the visit to the Parc de Inca, the firefighters told the president of the island’s institution that the facilities had become obsolete and small. Galmés expressed his commitment to improve them until the new park in the capital of Raiguer is a reality.

In this sense, Llorenç Galmés announced that they will adapt one of the adjoining plots of land to provide additional space so that they are in better conditions, as at the moment there are shifts of 9 firefighters when the facilities are only for 3 firefighters.

On the other hand, Galmés is committed to improving the working conditions of the Bombers de Mallorca. In the previous term of office, the change of category was approved, but it came to a standstill.

The island president has expressed that the Consell de Mallorca will protect those who protect us and that it will be a priority to attend to their requests for this new government team.