22 artists star in the exhibition ‘Premis Ocho de Agosto. The last five years” at Sa Nostra Sala

Aug 3, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Consell de Ibiza’s cultural centre ‘Sa Nostra Sala’ is hosting the exhibition ‘Premis Vuig d’Agost. The last five years (2019-2023)’, which displays the artistic works (painting, clay crafts, photography, graphic design) of these awards over the last five years.

In this exhibition, works by twenty-two artists born or living on Eivissa can be seen in what can be considered a sample of the current artistic scene, of what is being created on this island in the last five years.

The official inauguration of the exhibition took place on Friday 2 August at 20:00. The exhibition will remain open until 30 August, Monday to Friday from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm and from 5.30 pm to 8.30 pm.

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22 artists star in the exhibition ‘Premis Ocho de Agosto. The last five years” at Sa Nostra Sala

Brief history of the Ocho de Agosto Awards

In 1997, the Island Council of Eivissa and Formentera, then still known as the Island Council of Eivissa and Formentera, organised the first edition of the Ocho de Agosto Research Prize, with Joan Marí Tur as Councillor of Culture (the first three years the adjective ‘historical’ was added). The jury, meeting on 6 August of that year, awarded ex aequo the works El puig de Missa de Santa Eulària des Riu. Historical and architectural analysis, by Antoni Ferrer Abárzuza, and El convento de los padres dominicos de Eivissa. Introduction, study and transcription of a 1765 manuscript, by Felip Cirer Costa.

The Ocho de Agosto Painting Prize was added later, in 2014, and in principle it was only open to artists under thirty years of age. With the same characteristics, it had also been called the Sant Miquel de Balansat Young Painting Prize, also organised by the Consell de Balansat, between 2000 and 2002. Subsequently, it had been called the Autumn Young Painting Prize between 2003 and 2010. We had to wait until the 2016 edition to have the first winner of the Young Painting competition, which went to Stephen García-Cernuda for the work “Faces of the Subconscious”, mixed media on canvas, dirty art. Since 2017 it is not limited to any age, by will of the Department and following the suggestion of the jury of the 2016 edition.

In 2014, the Joan Daifa Clay Crafts Prize, created in 2005 as a tribute to Joan Planells Riera, Daifa (Jesús, Eivissa, 1907 – 1992), one of the great potters in the history of Eivissa, which was to be held until 2010, became the Ocho de Agosto Clay Crafts Prize.

The Ocho de Agosto Amateur Photography Prize was first awarded in 2016 and was won by Maria Isabel Ramon Cardona, for a set of three photographs full of ethnological references to Ibiza. Since 2020, on the recommendation of the jury, it has been renamed the Ocho de Agosto Photography Prize and has also been open to professional photographers.

The Ocho de Agosto Graphic Design Award began to be held in 2017 and was first destined to be the image of the day of Ocho de Agosto, the institutional festival of the island of Eivissa. In the 2024 edition, it has been decided to ask for a design that will serve as a symbol for the acts of the centenary of the birth of Joan Marí Cardona (1925 – 2002).

The last category, until 2024, which is included under this global denomination of the Ocho de Agosto Awards is the Music category, which was created in 2023 with the modalities of Classical Music and Modern Music. In 2024, following the opinion of the jury, it has been extended and has already been called in a more diversified way in four modalities that, in some way, detail more the options of the participating musicians: Folk/Jazz/Flamenc; Pop/Rock; Experimental/Electronic/Urban Music and Classical.