The Consell Insular de Eivissa presents the project to improve safety in the neighbourhoods of Can Bonet and Can Guillamó to residents and the Town Hall

Aug 4, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The councillor of the Eivissa Island Council’s Department of Road Infrastructures, Mariano Juan, held several meetings with the mayor of Sant Antoni Town Hall, Marcos Serra, and with residents of Can Bonet and Can Guillamó to present the project to improve safety on the EI-600 road as it passes through the Can Bonet and Can Guillemó neighbourhoods.

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The Consell Insular de Eivissa presents the project to improve safety in the neighbourhoods of Can Bonet and Can Guillamó to residents and the Town Hall

The contract for the drafting of this project was awarded last October and the objective is the overall improvement of safety on the section between points 12+300 and 13+200 with the creation of a pedestrian road connecting the neighbourhoods of Can Tomás and Can Guillamó, the installation of a pedestrian crossing with traffic lights and improvement of the existing crossing with the removal of the pedestrian crossing at the Can Tomás bypass, improved street lighting, improved signage, landscaping and beautification of the surroundings, among other actions. At the request of the residents and the Town Council, the project will be modified to include a connection with the town centre of Sant Antoni along one side of the road.

Juan explained that this is one of the actions planned to guarantee safety in this area, as the residents were informed, and that it will involve an investment of more than one and a half million euros. So far, the Consell d’Eivissa has improved the traffic light signalling with illuminated signs, reduced the maximum speed of the stretch from 80 km/h to 50 km/h, and the department has made a request to the Directorate General of Traffic to set up a speed control radar in the area.

“It is a question, as the technicians pointed out, of providing an integral solution to the area to give it an urban character, a global solution that unites the three urban centres and will notably improve their safety”, concluded Juan.