The Consell Insular approves the collaboration agreement with the eight town councils of the island for the execution of different actions of municipal ownership

Aug 4, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The improvement and maintenance of the Land Routes Network and the improvement of WIFI coverage in different locations are some of the main actions.

The Executive Council of the Consell Insular de Menorca has approved the collaboration agreement between the Consell Insular and the island’s eight town councils for the execution of different actions on public roads and municipally-owned infrastructures and/or facilities, as part of the Tourism Sustainability Plan “Menorca Biosphere Reserve-Tourism 0CO2”.

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The Consell Insular approves the collaboration agreement with the eight town councils of the island for the execution of different actions of municipal ownership

This Plan contemplates multiple actions divided into eight blocks. One of them is the “Tourism 0CO2 Land” block, which includes the following actions related to Menorca’s municipal public roads:

  • T1: Design of the “Biosphere Reserve-Tourism 0CO2 Earth Route Network”.
  • T2: Signposting of the Land Route Network.
  • T4 and T6: Creation and conditioning of rest areas, refreshment areas, viewpoints and points of interest of the Land Routes Network.
  • T5: Planning and location of rest areas, refreshment areas, viewpoints and points of interest of the Terrestrial Routes Network.
  • T7: Maintenance of the paths and trails and the refreshment and rest areas of the Terrestrial Routes Network.

Likewise, in the block “Tourism 0CO2 Sky”, there is action C1: “Conditioning of star viewpoints Biosphere Reserve-Tourism 0CO2”, the scope of action of which is also the Terrestrial Routes Network.

Actions T1 and T5 have already been carried out as they are merely planning tasks, but in order to carry out actions T2, T4, T6, T7 and C1, the express acceptance of the town councils is required, and through this collaboration agreement, the Consell Insular will be able to carry out the planned work.

In addition, a series of locations have been defined for action TG1: “Solar WIFI Network”, which consists of installing the necessary equipment to provide wireless WIFI coverage in several areas around the island of Menorca that have been deemed strategic and/or necessary and that currently do not have it, and therefore, the Consell Insular will also have the relevant authorisation from the Town Councils to be able to boost coverage in these places.

This agreement will be valid until 31 December 2025, with the possibility of extending it for an additional twelve months.