13 million authorised to finance the SOIB’s vocational training B degrees for employed and unemployed workers

Aug 7, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The programme aims to guarantee quality vocational training and meet individual needs for qualification and permanent requalification.

It aims to respond to the interests and skills demanded by the new productive and sectorial needs.

The Consell de Govern has approved today an expenditure of 13 million euros for a call for grants to finance vocational training B grades aimed at employed workers and the unemployed within the offer of the Employment Service of the Balearic Islands (SOIB) for the period 2024-2026.

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13 million authorised to finance the SOIB’s vocational training B degrees for employed and unemployed workers

These grants aim to develop, within the framework of the Vocational Training System, the right to training of employed and unemployed workers to guarantee, in conditions of equity and throughout life, quality vocational training that satisfies both the development of the personality and individual needs for qualification and permanent requalification, as well as responding to the interests and skills demanded by the new productive and sectorial needs, both for the increase in productivity and the generation of workplaces.

Two lines of subsidies are established: one aimed primarily at unemployed workers, with a budget item of 8 million euros, distributed by annual instalments (4,800,000.00 euros in 2024 and 3,200,000.00 euros in 2026) and another aimed primarily at employed workers, with a budget of 5 million euros (3,000,000.00 euros in 2024 and 2,000,000.00 euros in 2026).

The items of the expenditure budget corresponding to each of the annual budgets will be financed by the funds of the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sport, which are distributed annually by territory by the Sectoral Conference on Vocational Training for workers.