112 opens call for applications for the selection of emergency managers

Aug 10, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Applications can be submitted from today until 28 August.

The public company Gestió d’Emergències de les Illes Balears (GEIBSAU) has opened a call for the selection of temporary staff for the task of emergency manager of SEIB112, to fill staff vacancies. Applications can be submitted from today until 28 August.

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112 opens call for applications for the selection of emergency managers

The call will serve to create a pool of non-permanent staff to fill the positions of emergency managers and will have to meet the following requirements: have at least a B2 certificate of knowledge of the Catalan language, a B2 certificate in English and have a baccalaureate degree, a higher technical qualification corresponding to higher-level vocational training, a specialist technical qualification corresponding to second-level vocational training, or equivalent qualification or equivalent job training.

As for the functions, they will be to answer incoming calls from users in an emergency, collect the necessary data to classify the emergency; obtain the geolocation of the incident; classify and classify incidents; record data on people, vehicles, material, among others, that are related to the emergency; monitoring the actions of the different organisations; facilitating the user to obtain the necessary response as quickly as possible; assisting people with hearing disabilities; strictly respecting the criteria of data protection and confidentiality and carrying out the functions described for the position of telephone manager that require the use of the English language.

After the selection period, applicants will form part of a pool that will entitle them, by the score obtained in the selection procedure, to be called upon to cover all staffing needs that may arise in the SEIB112 operations area, whether due to vacancies, maternity or paternity replacements, leaves of absence, long-term sick leave or other causes.

Those interested in participating in the selection process can consult the rules on the SEIB112 website (http://112ib.caib.es) and in the Official Gazette of the Balearic Islands (BOIB) published on 8 August 2024.

Applications may be submitted until 28 August 2023 at the Registry of the public company Gestió d’Emergències de les Illes Balears (GEIBSAU) or by ordinary mail (under the provisions of Article 14 of Law 43/2010, of 30 September, on the universal postal service, users’ rights and the postal market) to the following address: c. de Francesc Salvà y Pizà, s/n, es Pinaret, 07141 Marratxí (Mallorca). In this case, a copy of the application must be sent in advance by e-mail to administracion@112ib.com. In addition, it is required that the entity replies to the above email as received; otherwise, the application submitted by this means will not be accepted.

These applications must conform to the model available to interested parties at the above-mentioned centres and on the SEIB112 website (http://112ib.caib.es) from the start of the deadline for submitting applications.