Green light for the initial approval of the construction project to stabilise the cut slope in the municipality of Ferreries

Aug 12, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

It is located on the Me-1 road, at kilometre point 29+400, with an execution budget of 133,355.83, VAT included.

The Executive Council of the Consell Insular de Menorca has given the green light to the initial approval of the construction project to stabilise the cut slope on the Me-1 road, at kilometre point 29+400, on the right-hand side of the municipality of Ferreries. The work has a budget of 133,355.83€, VAT included, and a completion period of three months.

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Green light for the initial approval of the construction project to stabilise the cut slope in the municipality of Ferreries

The existing cuttings slope has a total length of approximately 300 metres, with a maximum height of 14 metres in its central part. At the base of the cut is a prefabricated concrete barrier to protect the roadway in anticipation of possible landslides of material from the slope, which has broken in the material restricted to the most superficial layer (topsoil and external soil of the rock massif), as well as a shallow longitudinal crack near the head of the cut. There is also material that has been deposited and accumulated at the base of the cut, behind the concrete barrier, generated by the detachment and dragging of materials from the erosion of the slope.

“The need to carry out this project is justified to guarantee the safety and functionality of the Me-1 road in this section. For these reasons, it is necessary to carry out the works to ensure the present and future stability of the existing cut slope, guaranteeing the containment of the materials mobilised after the completion of the works on the Ferreries bypass”, explains Juan Manuel Delgado, councillor for Mobility of the Consell Insular de Menorca.

Therefore, this project aims to:

  • Improve traffic safety conditions on the affected section of the road, executing the works that guarantee the present and future stability of the slope of the existing cutting.
  • To limit the area of action at the base of the existing cuttings slope, through the construction of a mass concrete cuttings footwall. It is planned to be executed in sections to minimise the impact on traffic.
  • Improve the environmental and landscape integration, incorporating the visible parameters of the wall with the type of exposed stone and the dry joint between stones, according to traditional techniques of the area.
  • Restore the existing drainage elements, preserving the correct evacuation of surface runoff from the road platform at all times.

The final approval of the project and the subsequent call for tenders for the execution of the planned works will soon be available.