A joint operation between the Consell and the town councils of Eivissa and Santa Eulària detects eleven pirate taxi drivers

Aug 13, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Of the total number of illegal drivers detected, more than half tested positive for having driven after taking drugs

The Inspection Service of the Department of Transport of the Consell Insular de Eivissa, together with the local police of the town councils of Eivissa and Santa Eulària, organised a joint operation this morning, as part of the Consell’s Inspection Plan, to detect illegal taxis and control VTCs. From 4:30 a.m. until 7:30 a.m. this morning, five inspectors from the Consell and a large number of police officers from both municipalities involved set up three checkpoints around a well-known discotheque in Eivissa.

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A joint operation between the Consell and the town councils of Eivissa and Santa Eulària detects eleven pirate taxi drivers

As explained by the island’s director of transport, Roberto Algaba, who was present during the operation, it served not only to detect and sanction offenders but also to dissuade those who wanted to attract customers at the gates of the entertainment venue. Thus, this deployment “also has a strong dissuasive component for those who want to act outside the law and what allows us to show our firmness in the fight against illegal activities in transport,” said Algaba. Of the inspections carried out by the Consell’s service, a total of 35 vehicles were inspected, resulting in four drivers being reported for illegal passenger transport, with a total fine of 22,004 euros.

According to the Town Hall, the Eivissa operation has resulted in a total of 7 complaints to the drivers of the vehicles for operating as a transport service without the relevant licence. All the vehicles have been immobilised by the Eivissa Local Police and taken to the municipal depot. The fine is 6,000 euros. In addition, of these 7 drivers, 6 tested positive for narcotic substances and another driver did not have a driving licence.

“Eivissa Town Council is firmly committed to the fight against unfair competition, acting decisively and forcefully against this scourge. For this reason, we have joined the common front promoted by the Consell Insular de Eivissa to act in a more coordinated and efficient way to combat illegal transport. From the Department of Public Transport, we want to ensure that the rules of the game are complied with and reduce unfair competition in the transport sector and the support of the Local Police is key to achieving this. We want to ensure compliance with the rules of the game and reduce unfair competition in the transport sector, and the support of the local police is key to achieving this,” said the councillor for Public Transport of Ibiza’s capital, Rubén Sousa, who was also present at the event.

At the checkpoint in Santa Eulària, 15 vehicles were checked, and none of them were found to be involved in illegal activity. Juan Carlos Roselló, head of Public Safety at Santa Eulària Town Hall, stated that “collaboration between town councils and the Council is necessary and fundamental to join forces against illegal activities and make progress in the fight against ‘intrusiveness'”.

In addition, a taxi in San José has been fined for failing to comply with the loading and unloading order. All the affected clients have been relocated to a legal taxi.