More than 260 people have requested advice from ADR Baleares to start up a business project during the first half of 2024

Aug 13, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Regional Development Agency of the Regional Ministry of Enterprise, Employment and Energy offers support to start up a business

The technicians have dealt with more than 800 queries from entrepreneurs.

A total of 263 people have requested help to start a business during the first half of 2024 from ADR Baleares, the Regional Development Agency of the Balearic Islands, which depends on the Regional Ministry of Enterprise, Employment and Energy. During this time, the technicians dealt with 803 queries from entrepreneurs who needed support in the process of setting up a business project.

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More than 260 people have requested advice from ADR Baleares to start up a business project during the first half of 2024

ADR Baleares has the Ibemprèn programme, which is carried out in collaboration with the SOIB, and which provides citizens with all the resources available to turn an idea into a business. In addition to the support offered to entrepreneurs, Ibemprèn organises complete training itineraries, with free sessions that cover everything from the analysis of the idea to the start-up of the project.

Among the tools available to entrepreneurs offered by Ibemprèn is the online business plan, which allows the organisational, legal, technical, commercial, economic and financial viability of the business opportunity to be studied.

In order to bring all these resources closer to citizens, Ibemprèn collaborates with different town councils in the Balearic Islands that attend to users of the programme or, if necessary, refer them to ADR Baleares technicians. In this way, all the municipalities can be reached.

It should also be remembered that, within the framework of Ibemprèn, ADR Baleares has signed an agreement with MicroBank to finance business projects through microcredits with the aim of easing one of the main problems encountered by people who want to start a business: the lack of financing. ADR Baleares will validate the different projects that may materialise and consolidate.