The Consell de Mallorca proposes fines of 960,000 euros for a building in Palma dedicated to illegal tourist rentals

Aug 20, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

12 penalties of 80,000 euros have been notified for each of the properties that were being offered illegally

The Department of Tourism of the Consell de Mallorca has proposed and notified 12 sanctions worth 80,000 euros each in a building in Palma dedicated to illegal tourist rentals. In total, the amount of the proposed sanctions amounts to 960,000 euros, for engaging in this activity without having any license to do so.

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The Consell de Mallorca proposes fines of 960,000 euros for a building in Palma dedicated to illegal tourist rentals

Specifically, the Sanctions Department of the Department of Tourism has initiated these sanctioning proceedings for tourist infringements against 12 flats being marketed in Palma, specifically in the Levante district of the city.

The Minister of Tourism, José Marcial Rodríguez Díaz, expressed his satisfaction with the action taken by the Department’s Inspection and Sanctions Service and stressed that “illegal supply, regardless of the sector in which it operates, is not only very harmful unfair competition for all those who do things well on our island, who are the vast majority but also a terrible problem for coexistence, something we want to fight against and eradicate”.

In this sense, Rodríguez added that these sanctions are the result of long work within the Department, which has “scrupulously complied with all the administrative processes” and which has allowed “as the legal deadlines” to act in this way.

It should be remembered that the penalties currently proposed for illegal tourist rentals on the island are 80,000 euros for each property detected. The range of fines set by law for this issue varies from 40,001 euros in its lowest range, up to 400,000 euros in the maximum, and until now penalties were being imposed of 40,001 euros.

From now on, the proposed penalties imposed on those who carry out this activity illegally will be 80,000 euros per dwelling, to dissuade these people from ceasing their activity and to protect residents and guarantee the legal security of the entire legal offer in the tourism sector.