Emergències call for ‘common sense and prudence’ and ask the population to avoid outdoor activities and near the sea

Aug 14, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

He confirms the search for a person in the waters off Formentera and that the situation could develop into a DANA in the coming hours.

The head of the Department of Emergencies, Antoni Plata, has confirmed the search for a person in the waters off Formentera as a result of today’s storm in the Balearic Islands. Plata called for ‘common sense and prudence’ and recommended citizens avoid outdoor activities, especially near the sea, subways or torrent basins where water could accumulate, especially over the next few hours, especially at night, when the storm situation could develop into an isolated depression system at high levels (DANA).

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Emergències call for ‘common sense and prudence’ and ask the population to avoid outdoor activities and near the sea

Plata made this recommendation at the end of a technical meeting of the Department of Emergencies, chaired by the Director General Sebastià Sureda, which analysed the situation in the first hours of the storm and its evolution. At this meeting it was agreed to convene the technical advisory committee of the METEOBAL Special Emergency Plan in the early afternoon to determine the lines of action to be taken over the next few hours.

The head of the Emergency Department added that in the first few hours, in addition to rain and wind, there were mainly coastal phenomena, ‘which have a notable impact and are what we are most concerned about, both for the people who have gone to the beach and for the boats at anchor or sailing’.