The Consell de Mallorca prepared to face adverse weather warnings

Aug 14, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The insular institution coordinates with the preventive character the operative of emergencies before the forecast of intense rains and storms, between the Bombers of Majorca, the Department of Territory, Mobility and Infrastructures and the IMAS.

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The Consell de Mallorca prepared to face adverse weather warnings

The Bombers de Mallorca, the Department of Territory, Mobility and Infrastructures and the Mallorcan Institute of Social Affairs (IMAS) have coordinated an emergency operation as a preventive measure given the forecast of heavy rain and storms, which may be accompanied by hail and very strong gusts of wind. The aim is to anticipate the situation that may arise in the coming hours and to coordinate possible actions.

Specifically, the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) has already activated the orange warning in Mallorca throughout the day today and until tomorrow Thursday at 18.00 hours, when the warning is downgraded to yellow. The Consell de Mallorca stresses the importance of ‘being prepared and acting responsibly to minimise the possible risks and damage associated with these phenomena’.

On the one hand, the central fire brigade room and the road traffic coordination centre, coordinated with Emergencias 112, manage the information received and the resources of the two services in the shortest possible time. A management room, from where the Mallorca Fire Service and the Consell de Mallorca’s Roads Control Department work in coordination, allows the situation to be monitored in real-time and provides a global view of the active warnings and the services being provided. In this way, traffic can be controlled directly, and any incident that may arise can be recorded in real-time and quickly communicated to the road brigades or the Mallorca fire brigades if they have to act. On the other hand, citizens are also offered clear information in real-time through the mobility viewers, which can be consulted on the website

The Social Emergency Unit (UMES) of the Mallorcan Institute of Social Affairs (IMAS) will pay specific attention these days to the most severely vulnerable group, to guarantee the basic needs of the homeless and to urge them to go to one of the centres in the island institution’s Inclusion Network. The UMES is an IMAS service run by the Red Cross, which offers itinerant day and night care to homeless people in the city and the bay of Palma.

Given the forecast of rain, storms and strong winds, the Bombers de Mallorca recommend:

Avoid unnecessary journeys.
Take measures to prevent water from entering.
Avoid basements or low areas.
Stay away from streams and do not cross flooded areas on foot or in vehicles.
Avoid outdoor activities.
Secure doors, shutters and windows.
Remove wind-blown objects from the outdoors.
Avoid places where landslides may occur.
Stay away from power lines.
Finally, the Consell de Mallorca is calling on the entire population to act with caution and to keep informed through the official networks of the Consell, Roads and Bombers de Mallorca.