016 records an average of 323 queries per day up to June

Aug 15, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The 016 telephone service for information, legal advice and psychosocial care for all forms of violence against women received 58,928 queries between January and June 2024. This represents an average of 323 consultations per day. Compared to 2023, 60,247 consultations were registered in the same period, which translates into a decrease of 2.1%.

The Ministry of Equality, through the Government Delegation against Gender Violence, provides this service through the 016 speed-dial telephone number, which has received 50,616 calls so far this year. But attention is also offered by WhatsApp on the number 600 000 016 where 2,943 queries have been received, 4,779 online chats on the website of the Government Delegation against Gender Violence and 590 emails to 016-online@igualdad.gob.es.

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016 records an average of 323 queries per day up to June

Victims are the main users of 016 and have made 74.7% of the queries up to June, with a total of 44,053. This is followed by calls made by relatives or friends, which account for 19.2% of the total.

As for the reason for the consultations, 85.9% correspond to cases of violence by a partner or ex-partner; 5.3% to sexual violence; 5.2% to domestic violence and 2% to other types of violence.

016 is a free and confidential telephone number that leaves no trace on the bill and is available 24 hours a day in 53 languages. It is also accessible to people with hearing and/or speech disabilities and low vision.

In addition to offering general information, it has a legal advice service and immediate psychosocial care for all people who need emotional support and immediate psychosocial accompaniment by specialised staff.

This service refers emergency calls to 112, is coordinated with similar services in the autonomous communities and offers information to victims and their families on what to do. It also provides information on resources and rights of victims in terms of employment, social services, financial aid, information, assistance and shelter resources for victims of male violence.